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R. Fuchs, The analysis of plant dyes in medieval book illuminations, Dyes in History and Archaeology, vol. 16, Submitted.
X. (Dir.) Barral y Altet, Artistes, artisans et production artistique au Moyen-Age., Colloque international, Rennes 2-6 mai 1983, vol. 3 vol. Paris, Submitted.
R. D. Harley, Artist’s Brushes. Historical evidence from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, Conservation and restoration of pictorial art, Atti del 5° Congresso Internazionale dell’International Institute for Conservation. Lisbon, Submitted.
M. Clarke, Townsend, J. H., and Stijnman, A. (eds), Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions. Submitted.
S. Kroustallis, Townsend, J. H., E. Bruquetas, C., Stijnman, A., and M. Moya, S. Andres, Art Technology. Sources and Methods. Submitted.
M. Clarke, Asymptotically approaching the past: historiography and critical use of sources in art technological, Art Technology. Sources and Methods. London, pp. 16-22, Submitted.
M. Gullick, A Bibliography of Mediaeval Painting Treatises, Making the Mediaeval Book : Techniques of Production, Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Seminar in the History of the Book to 1500 Oxford, Juillet, 1992. London, pp. 241-244, Submitted.
R. H. Runge, Buchmalerei in frühen Mittelalter. Habilitationschrift, Würzburg, Submitted.
R. Silva, Chimica, tecnica e formule dei colori nel manoscritto lucchese 1939 del secolo XIV, Critica d'Arte, vol. 160-162, pp. 27-43, Submitted.
R. Silva, Chimica, tecnica e formule dei colori nel manoscritto lucchese 1939 del secolo XIV, Critica d’Arte, vol. n°160-162, pp. 27-43, Submitted.
D. Oltrogge, The Cologne database for painting materials and reconstructions, Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions. London, pp. 9-15, Submitted.
I. Villela-Petit, Copies, reworkings and renewals in late medieval recipe books, in Nadolny, J. (ed.), Medieval Painting in Nothern Europe: Techniques, Analysis, Art History. Studies in Commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Unn Plahter, London: , Submitted, pp. 167-81.
S. C. Arteni and M. de Arteni, S. - P., Critical evaluation of data on the composition of ancient materials. Part I : structural components of the paint layer. Part II. Paints and techniques, ICOM-CC 7th Trien. meeting Copenhague. Submitted.
Jund Wilhel Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch. Leipzig: , Submitted.
O. Wächter, De Viridi. Destruktive und unschädliche grüne Kupferpigmente in der Buchmalerei, Biblos, vol. 30. pp. 270-284, Submitted.
G. Keil, Die Medizinische Literatur des Mittelalters, Artes Mechanicae. Bruxelles, pp. 73-111, Submitted.
A. Raft, Die Quellentexte zur Verwendung besonderer Bindemittel für blaue Farben, Maltechnik-Restauro, vol. 88,2, pp. 112-119, Submitted.
R. Halleaux, Entre technologie et alchimie. Couleurs, colles et vernis dans les anciens manuscrits de recettes, Technologie industrielle. Conservation, restauration du patrimoine culturel, colloque AFTPV-SFIIC, Nice, 19-22 septembre 1989. Paris, pp. 7-11, Submitted.
U. Lindgren, Europaïsche Technik im Mittelalter 800 bis 1400. Tradition und Innovation. Berlin: , Submitted.
S. - C. Arteni, From handcraft to mass production : notes on the manufacture of oil painting materials, ICOM 7th triennal meeting, Copenhagen, 10-14 septembre, 1984. Submitted.
A. Wallert, Instructions for Manuscripts Illumination in a 15th Century Netherlandisch Technical Treatise, Acta of the Congress on Medieval Manuscript Illumination in the Northern Netherlands, University of Utrecht, 10-13 December, 1989. pp. 447-456, Submitted.
S. Baroni, I Ricettari medievali per la preparazione dei colori e la loro transmissione, Il colore nel Medioevo. Arte, simbolo, tecnica. Atti delle giornate di studi, Lucca, 5-6 mai 1995. Lucca, pp. 117-144, Submitted.
P. Junod and Pastoureau, M., La couleur : regards croisés sur la couleur du Moyen Age au XXe siècle, Actes du Colloque organisé à l’Université de Lausanne, 25-27 juin 1992. Paris, Submitted.
D. Cardon, La cuve de pastel au Moyen-Age d’après la documentation méditerranéenne, Journée d’étude sur la teinture végétale: le bleu. Submitted.
P. -d’ C. ieteren, L’application des méthodes physiques d’examen à l’étude du modelé dans la peinture flamande du XVe au XVIIe siècle, Annales d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie, vol. I, pp. 41-50, Submitted.