History of technique in the arts, 1500-1950
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Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane. Ulrico Hoepli: , 1995.
, Gemmes, verre coloré, fausses pierres précieuses au Moyen Age, Le quatrième livre du "Trésorier de Philosophie naturelle des pierres précieuses" de Jean d´Otutremeuse. Liège: Diffusion Libraire DROZ S.A., 2006.
, “The Early Netherlandish Painters and their Workshop”, Le dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture, Colloque III, Louvain-la-Neuve, vol. 3, pp. 40-61, 1979.
, The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Schools. London: , 1998, pp. 18-35.
, “Methods and materials of Nothern European painting in the National Gallery, 1400-1550”, National Gallery. Technical Bulletin. Early Nothern European Painting, vol. XVIII, pp. 6-55, 1997.
, “The Leyden Papyrus X”, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. III, 1926.
, “The Stockholm Papyrus X”, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. IV, 1927.
, “Sources bibliographiques pour l’étude des pigments utilisés en peinture jusqu’au XVe siècle”, Revue des Sociétés Savantes de Haute Normandie, vol. XX, 1960.
, The production of stained glass in the country of Flanders and the duchy of Brabant from the XVth to the XVIIIth centuries: materials and techniques. Turnhout: Brepols publishers, 2009, p. 456.