History of technique in the arts, 1500-1950
Found 45 results
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“La technique des Primitifs flamands. Etude scientifique des matériaux, de la structure et de la technique picturale”, Studies in Conservation, vol. I, pp. 1-29, 1952.
, “Lead White”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol.12, pp. 125-139, 1967.
, Le monde des teintures naturelles. Paris: , 2003.
, “Les échanges de teintures rouges entre l’Orient et l’Occident jusqu’aux grandes découvertes”, CIETA, vol. 67, pp. 27-34, 1989.
, Les Primitifs flamands. III. Contributions à l’étude des Primitifs flamands. 2. L’Agneau Mystique au laboratoire : Examen et traitement. Anvers: , 1953.
, “The Leyden Papyrus X”, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. III, 1926.
, ,
“Manuscrits des Bibliothèques de Paris antérieurs au XVIIIe siècle.”, in Catalogues des Manuscrits Alchimiques latins, Bruxelles: .
, Mediaeval Painters' Materials and Techniques: The Montpellier Liber diversarum arcium. London: , 2010.
, “Methods and materials of Nothern European painting in the National Gallery, 1400-1550”, National Gallery. Technical Bulletin. Early Nothern European Painting, vol. XVIII, pp. 6-55, 1997.
, “Page image recipe databases: a new approach to making art technological manuscripts and rare printed sources accessible”, Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions. London, pp. 49-52, Submitted.
, “Page image recipe databases: a new approach to making art technological manuscripts and rare printed sources accessible”, Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions. London, pp. 49-52, Submitted.
, “Pigments et colorants de l’Antiquité au Moyen Age. Teinture, peinture, enluminure. Etudes historiques et physico-chimiques”. Paris, Submitted.
, The production of stained glass in the country of Flanders and the duchy of Brabant from the XVth to the XVIIIth centuries: materials and techniques. Turnhout: Brepols publishers, 2009, p. 456.
, “Sources bibliographiques pour l’étude des pigments utilisés en peinture jusqu’au XVe siècle”, Revue des Sociétés Savantes de Haute Normandie, vol. XX, 1960.
, “The Stockholm Papyrus X”, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. IV, 1927.
, Storia dell’antica pittura fiamminga. Firenze: , 1889.
, Storia dell’antica pittura fiamminga. Firenze: , 1889.
, “Sulle Ricette di Pittura del Trattato di Théodore Turquet de Mayerne”, La Diana, annuario della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia e storia dell´arte dell´universitá degli studi di Siena, vol. 1, pp. 147-180, 1995.
, “Vermilion and cinnabar”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol. 17, pp. 45-69, 1972.