History of technique in the arts, 1500-1950
Found 30 results
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“Ein unbekanntes Bruchstück der Mappae Clavicula aus dem Anfang des 9. Jhs.”, Mitt. Gesch. Med. Naturwiss. Technik, vol. 40, 1, pp. 336-349 (Reprint).
, Lehrbuch der Farbenfabrikation. Braunschweig: .
, Painting Materials. A Short Encyclopaedia. New York: .
, Glossaire archéologique du moyen age et de la Renaissance, vol. 2 vol. Paris: , 1928.
, “Lapis Lazuli and ultramarine in ancient times”, Alumni, vol. 19, pp. 342-357, 1950.
, “La technique des Primitifs flamands. Etude scientifique des matériaux, de la structure et de la technique picturale”, Studies in Conservation, vol. I, pp. 1-29, 1952.
, “The de Coloribus and Its Author”, Hermes, vol. 92. Bd. H. 1, pp. 59-85, 1964.
, “Azurite and blue verditer”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol. 11, pp. 54-61, 1966.
, “Die Alchemie in Mittelalter”, Mitt. Gesch. Med. Naturwiss. Technik, 1967.
, “Lead White”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol.12, pp. 125-139, 1967.
, “Studien zur Geschichte der Mineralnamen in Pharmazie, Chemie und Medizin von den Anfängen bis Paracelsus.”, Sudhoffs Archiv, 1972.
, “Vermilion and cinnabar”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol. 17, pp. 45-69, 1972.
, “Malachite and green verditer”, Studies in Conservation, vol. vol. 19, n°1, pp. 2-23, 1974.
, ,
La peinture dans la peinture. Dijon: , 1982.
, “Analyse non destructive des pigments par microsonde Raman laser : exemples de l’azurite et de la malachite”, Studies in Conservation, vol. 29, pp. 35-41, 1984.
, “Women’s Medical Practice and Health care in Medieval Europe”, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 14.2, 1989.
, Die Handschriften der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, 2° Cod. 401-575. Wiesbaden: , 1993.
, “Grünspan. Ein bedeutsames Pigment für das Scriptorium des Mittelalters”, Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, vol. 46, pp. 222-227, 1993.
, “Identification of pigments in a fourteenth-century miniature by combined micro-raman and PIXE spectroscopic techniques”, Studies in Conservation, vol. 42, pp. 83-92, 1997.
, Die Handschriften der Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, 4° Cod. 1-150. Wiesbaden: , 1999.
, “Tafel- und Wandmalerei in München im 15. Jahrhundert”, in Münchner Gotik im Freisinger Diözesanmuseum, Regensburg: , 1999, pp. 69-100.
, ,
“Etude de recettes et d'indications de couleurs relevées sur un manuscrit d'Adémar de Chabannes (Leiden, Voss. lat. O 15) : l'exemple de la couleur gladius”, Scriptorium, vol. LX, n° 1, pp. p. 80-95, 2006.
, “A Bibliography of Mediaeval Painting Treatises”, Making the Mediaeval Book : Techniques of Production, Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Seminar in the History of the Book to 1500 Oxford, Juillet, 1992. London, pp. 241-244, Submitted.