Record General Colour ConText ID: REC:2081Original language: Latin transl_trans Transcription Azorium romanum siue indicum molitur cum aqua sicuti illud de quo iam diximus. In hoc azorio romano potes miscere album de apuleya. Item in eo potes miscere auripigmentum et erit uiride croceum. Item si ponas brasilium: erit purpureum. Translation Roman azure, or indigo, is ground with water as with the azure we have just discussed. You may mix Apulian white with this Roman azure; and if you add orpiment to it, it will make a yellow-green. Or if you add brazil, it will make purple. Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order london, British Library Sloane 1754, Liber de coloribus illuminatorum sive pictorum- Liber de tincturis pannorum XIIIth (1H.) Page number(s) in source: 143 Glossary Historical name Current name brasilium, brasillum, bresillum, bresilum Caesalpina echinata (Brasil wood) brasilium, brasillum, bresillum, bresilum Brasil wood colorant Artistic contents: Indigo Wasser Eikläre Indigo Bleiweiß Indigo Auripigment Indigo Brasilfarbmittel Artistic techniques: Bindemittel / Temperieren Farbmischungen Buchmalerei