Record General Colour ConText ID: REC:2416Original language: English Latin Date information Year: ca. 1453-1463 transl_trans Transcription {f.33r line 2:} Here begynneth the crafte of lymnynge of bokys; who so kane wysely considere the nature of his colours, and kyndely make his commixtions with naturalle proporcions, and mentalle indagacions connectynge fro dyvers recepcions by resone of theyre naturys, he schalle make curius colourys, etc. Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Brogyntyn 2.1, Here begynnythe the crafte of lymnynge of bokys ca. 1453-1463 XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.) Page number(s) in source: 33r