Record General Colour ConText ID: REC:2460Original language: English Latin Date information Year: ca. 1453-1463 transl_trans Transcription {f.38r line 5:} To make tornesole in anothere manere: take gum water, and put hit into a schelle of an oystere; then take a pece of tornesole, and ley hit in the water of gum, and let hit ly awhyle therein, and then wrynge it throge a clothe to thou se the water be welle colouryd, and than floryche bokys therewith that have rede letterys. Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Brogyntyn 2.1, Here begynnythe the crafte of lymnynge of bokys ca. 1453-1463 XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.) Page number(s) in source: 38r