Record General Colour ConText ID: REC:2465Original language: English Latin Date information Year: ca. 1453-1463 transl_trans Transcription {f.39v line 13:} To make aurum misticum: — take a vyele of glas, and lute hit welle, or elles a longe erthyne potte; and take j. li. of salle armoniac, j. li. of sulphere, j. li. of mercury crude, j. li. of tynne: melt thyne tynne, and than caste thy mercury therein, and {f.40r:} so alle the othere by-foreseyde; and grynd all thyes togedyre opone a stone, and thanne put alle thyes togedyre into a vyole, or into ane erthyne pote, and stoppe alle the mowthe thereof, safe only a lytelle hole, as a spowte of a pauper or a per- -chemyne may be set thereinne; and than set hit overe the fyre in a furneyse, but furst make an esy fyre, and afterward a good fyre the space of xxiiij. howrys, to thou se no more brethe come owte of the glas, and than take hit fro the fyre, and breke the glasse. Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Brogyntyn 2.1, Here begynnythe the crafte of lymnynge of bokys ca. 1453-1463 XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.) Page number(s) in source: 39v