34 - A Marvellous Green
You should have the 'thrice baked' copper scale, made of hammerings and flakes of kettle smiths, as has been shown. lnstead of using crocus of iron made the many ways shown above, take very thin iron scales that fall from the anvils of ironsmiths. Clean them of charcoal, dust, and cinders. Grind and sift finely, and with the doses described above, mix them very well with the calcined copper scale and add them to common polverino glass that has not had manganese, as per the above rules for green. With this crocus of iron, or true scale, you will have, without a doubt, a marvellous emerald green. lt will have completely lost the bluish sea colour, that ordinarily every glass has. lnstead it will make a yellowish green to emerald green and have the most beautiful shine and luster; more than any of the above greens.
To put the iron scale in with the copper scale was invented by me Priest Antonio Neri. In the rest, observe the doses and rules as described above for the other greens. If you do this, you will have a thing of astonishment, as frequent experience has shown me.