Strigau earth. Bole. Terra sigillata Silesiaca. axungia solis. Deep dull yellow, smooth, coarse but compact, heavy, not colouring, burns very hard, and to a fine red; from Strigau in Silesia: astringent and alexiterial.,Yellow ochre. French ochre. Spruce ochre. Powder ochre. Fine dusky hellow, compact, firm, smooth, unctuous, slightly colouring, when moist very viscid, burns very hard, and to a fine bright red; Shotover Hill, Oxfordshire, and elsewhere: used in painting.,Venice tripoli. Terr Tripolitana vera. Whitish yellow, or pale straw, firm, harsh, dry, colouring, burns rather harder, and to a pale rose colour; used for polishing and cleaning metals.,Caly ochre. Deep yellow, heavy, close, firm, smooth, not colouring, burns to a fine deep colour, without any hardness; from Mendip Hills: used in painting.,Yellow earth. Argilla lutea. Pale yellow, very fine, loose, friable, colouring greatly, astringent taste, burns to a fine rose colour, but not harder; from Saxony: used for polishing, and as a paint.,Italian ochre. Fine yellow, firm, compact, very light, colouring, astringent; burns very hard, and to a dull red: used in painting.,Course ochre. Fine bright yellow, heavy, hard, firm, irregular texture, harsh, dusty, colouring, very impure; burns to a very pale ashen red, but no harder; Mendip Hills: used in painting.,Roman ochre. Hard, heavy, very deep or brown yellow, firm, regular, harsh, dusty, colouring very much, burns rather hard, and to a fine purplish red; Somersetshire, also near rome: used as a paint.,Founders loam. Deep yellow, fine, soft, with spangles of mica, slightly colouring; burns to a pale red, but not harder; Thrup, in Northamptonshire, also near Highgate Archway: used by founders for their moulds.,Red Armenian bole. Bolus Armena rubra. Deep red, hard, heavy, cose, rough, colouring the hands; burns rather harder, and to a brighter red; astringent and alexiterial.,common Lemnian earth. Terra Turcica. Pale flesh red, not very close, heavy, slightly unctuous; burns very hard and to a dusky yellow.,German bole. Bolus Bohemica rubra. Pale yellowish red, compact but unequal, heavy, smooth, burns rather harder, without changing colour: astringen.,Terra Lemnia rubra. Pale red variegated with yellow, close, very heavy, rough, but scrapes smooth, not colouring, burns very hard and to a fine deep red; Lemno: astringent, sudorific.,Bole of Blois. Bolus Blesensis. Bolus Armena lutea. Pale red with an oragne cast, close, hard, heavy, not colouring, effervescing violently with acids, very astringent taste, burns to a stony hardness and a dark red; astringent, sudorific, highly commended in the plague.,French bole. Bolus rubra Gallica. Pale red, with white and yellow veins, heavy, close, slightly unctuous, not colouring, slightly astringent; burns very hard, but of the same colour: astringent.,Barros. Bucaros. Terra Portugallica. Fine florid red, heavy, harsh, colouring, strongly astringent, burns brighter but not harder; used in dysentery, and in dentifrices.,Mahogany earth. Pale red, sometimes darker, compact, heavy, smooth but neither glossy nor unctuous, not colouring, burns very hard, without change of colour; Isle of Wight and elsewhere: used in painting, and to stain wood of a mahogany colour.,Soft ruddle. Clay iron ore. rubrica fabrilis mollis. dusky red, loose, very heavy, extremely unctuous, with an oily gloss, colouring very much; burns very hard, externally little altered, but internally resembles iron; in iron mines: used as a colour, and also as an iron ore.,Hard ruddle. Red chalk. rubrica fabrilis. deep red, hard, heavy, solid, smooth, rather unctuous, colouring very strongly; burns very hard and darker: used as a crayon, also as an astringent.,Red lumber stone. Terra sigillata rubra. The same, but ground, made into small cakes and sealed.,Common bole. Bolus communis. The same, but ground and made into large round cakes; astringent, used for cattle, and in tooth powders.,Red stone-ochre. Ochra rubra. Fine deep red, solid, harsh, very dusty, colouring, not altered by burning; Warwickshire: used as a colour.,Red ochre. Ochre friabilis rubra. Sil Syriacum. Fine strong red, heavy, loose, rough, dusty, colouring very much; burns very hard, and much paler: used in painting. ,Indian stone red. Fine purplish red, very solid, hard, rough, dusty, colouring; burns rather darker: used as a paint.,Spanish brown. almagra. Ochra Hispanica. Fine deep red with a purple cast, heavy, not hard, rough, colours very much, burns very hard and paler: used as a colour.,Indian red. Ochra purpurea Persica. Fine purple, extremely heavy, very hard, solid with glittering particles, colours very much, burns very hard, with no change of colour; from Ormuz: used as a paint.,Venetian red. Bolus Veneta. Dull red, not very heavy, firm but dusty, colouring, burns very hard, and of a duskier colour; from Venice as a colour.,Brown red ochre. Very deep brown red, extremely heavy, firm, very rough, colours very much, slightly altered by burning; used as a colour.,Terra di Sienna. Deep brown or coffe colour, fine, compact, very light, very smooth and glossy, does not colour, when wetted marks a fine yellow upon paper; burns to a pale reddish brown, but does not harden; from Italy, and an inferior sort from Wycombe: used as a paint.,Burnt terra di Sienna. Used also as a paint.,Common clay. Argilla lateritia. Drying, astringent; used for artificial stones, as bricks, &c. and common pottery.,Fullers earth. Cimiola purpurescens. Smectis. Terra saponaria. Terra fullonica. Grayish brown, but varying greatly, hard, very compact, rough but scrapes glossy, does not colour, burns hard and yellowish brown; being very fine, and absorbing greasy very readily, used to full woollens.,Rotten stone. Terra cariosa. Ash brown, very light, moderately hard, dry, colouring, burns to a deep ash, but no harder; Derbyshire: used as a polishing powder.Umber, Terra Umbria. Creta Umbria. Fine pale brown, close, very light, dry, colouring, burns deep reddish brown, but no harder; used as a colour.,Burnt umber. Used for paint.,Windsor Loam. Yellowish brown, very hard, heavy, harsh, colouring slightly, burns very hard and fine deep red; from Hedgerly, near windsor: used for setting the bricks of wind furnaces, glasshouse furnaces; also for making lutes and coating glass and earthen vessels to be exposed to a strong fire.,Bath bricks. Windsor loam made into bricks; used for a coarse polishing powder.