Notwithstanding the low price of white lead, yet, being consumed in great quantities, it is for the most part adulterated by the manufacturers of, or wholesale dealers in it. The common sophistication is with chalk or powdered talc; as being the cheapest ingredients with which it can be mixt without changing too much its appearance. This in a lesser degree is of no great moment; as they only diminish the quantity of body or covering matter in the paint; but when in a greater proportion, they not only produce a great loss by rendering a larger quantity necessary to do the same work, but deprave the paint highly with respect to its other qualities.,The adulteration of lead white may be most easily examined, by comparing a piece of any that is supected with another piece, known to be pure, of equal bulk; and the difference of weight will shew(?) the fraud where the heterogeneous matter is in great proportion: as it will necessarily be of a much lighter nature than lead: ,