Bouvier 1844 2nd ed. pp.508-509,"Il faut acheter de la toile ecrue, qui soit tout a fait sans appret, qui n'ait point ete blanchie, et qui n'ait point de preparation gommeuse." ,[Bouvier continues in the chapter instructing on how to stretch a primed or unprimed canvas on a stretcher, to describe commercial primed canvases, from the purchaser's point of view. He mentions that it is best if they are prepared with pure oil and not mixed with "essence" as those with that mixture may crack [cassantes][break]. Osborn repeats his instruction to wait sometime before using, Bouvier specifies that a good primed canvas should be primed for a year so that it will not have the fault "de faire roussir les couleurs".[517] He begins this chapter with the statement that in close to all large cities one can find to buy primed canvases. He also says that one can purchase a primed canvas already stretched on the stretcher, but that one may want to stretch primed canvas oneself- because the canvas is lighter to transport rolled, and because one may want to choose the dimensions.],
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Handbook of young artists and amateurs in oil painting
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Recipe from dataset Stols-Witlox on grounds for paintings
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Note: This record was imported from Maartje Stols-Witlox' database on grounds for oil paintings in NW Europe, 1550-1900. Read more and find the complete dataset here