Record General Remarks: Translation Bartl et al. 2005: Ausserdem wird Mauerwerk und Holz zunächst mit Öl befeuchtet, das mit Mennige verrieben ist, damit es besser trocknet. Date information Year: 1500 ca. transl_trans Transcription Item primo murus vel lignum madidatur cum oleo in quo tritum sit minium propter exiccacionem Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order 'Liber illuministarum', the Tegernsee manuscript Page number(s) in source: 276-7, recipe 625. Recipe from dataset Stols-Witlox on grounds for paintings Original ID: 164 Note: This record was imported from Maartje Stols-Witlox' database on grounds for oil paintings in NW Europe, 1550-1900. Read more and find the complete dataset here