The most economical starch is made of wheat bran, and is not inferior in any respect to the starch made of wheat. Put the bran into large tubs, pour on enough clear cold water to make it a batter, and set it in the sun till it ferments properly, which will take from one to three days, according to the temperature of the weather. Strain it through a fine sieve into a clean tub, and set it by for the starch to settle at the bottom; then team off the yellow water, pour on a pailful or more of the fresh water, mix the starch with the water, strain it through a cloth, sufficiently thick to keep back every particle of bran, and let it stand again to settle: after which pour off the water and fill up the tub again. Do this till the water ceases to be colored; then take the starch, which will have settled at the bottom of the tub, break it up, put it on large dishes, and expose them daily to the sun till the starch becomes perfectly dry, stirring it up frequently; then put it up in small linen bags.