Record Date information Year: 1620-44 transl_trans Transcription Le blanc de plomb broye premierement avecque eau, puis lavé & laissé rasseoir, en decantant l'eau trouble, faict une residence qui est tres belle, & meurt moings que le fonds. Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order London, British Library Sloane 2052 Pictoria, Sculptoria, Tinctoria et quae subalternarum Artium 1620-1646 XVIIth (1H.) XVIIth (2H.) Page number(s) in source: 96v Glossary Historical name Current name waater, water, wazzer Water Blanc de plomb White lead leadwhite Recipe from dataset Stols-Witlox on grounds for paintings Original ID: 572 Note: This record was imported from Maartje Stols-Witlox' database on grounds for oil paintings in NW Europe, 1550-1900. Read more and find the complete dataset here