Put 12 galls. of linseed oil into the iron set-pot; as soon as it has boiled 2 hours, gradually introduce 12 lbs. of litharge. Continue the boiling very moderately for 6 hours; let it remain until next morning, then bring it to simmer, and run 10 lbs. of gum animi and 2 galls. of oil. When these two runs of gum are poured into the iron pot, put in 7 lbs. of Burgundy pitch, which soon melt, continue the boiling, and keep ladling it down, as directed for the best gold size, boil it moderatly strong, but not over-strong, and when right, mix it with 30 galls. of turpentine, or more if required; this should be left a little thicker and stronger than jappaners' gold size, as it is used for paper-stainers to lay their flock on, and ought to dry slowly in 1 hour.