We tried first a ground with it (starch and oil) wishing to avoid animal glue, which we are persuaded, by chemical processes, changes the colors, and goes through them. Having made such a ground, the use of the same vehicle in painting in the subjects suggested itself. This was about four years ago; and we have within this week and for the first time varnished a picture so painted, and it came out in all respects better than any we have ever painted in any other method. The rapidity with which it enables one to work is a great advantage; and we believe such colors as Prussian blue and others, which are much affected by oils may be thus used with safety; and we may venture to assert that pictures so painted will become exceedingly hard; for, let anyone try a mass of pigment, starch and oil, and expose it to the air, and he will find it in a short time perfect stone. Starch is, in fact, one of the most indestructible things in nature.