The word sizing denotes that operation by which a solution of glue is spread over articles intended to be painted in distemper or to be varnished. Size is applied cold. This stratum of glue fills up the pores of the wood, paper &c., and deposits in them a matter impenetrable to alcohol and to the essential oils, which serve as excipients to the resins employed in the compositions of varnishes. If several successive strata of it be applied it may even serve as a varnish itself; but being by its nature soluble in water, the least impression of humidity, that of the moist hands, and the adhesion of dust, which is the consequence, would soon tarnish the objects to which it is applied and destroy their neatness and brilliancy, which are their most valuable qualities. Varnish, therefore, may be applied to this first stratum without injuring the colours and without penetrating further; and if the strata be multiplied, so as to give the whole a sufficient thickness, it will bear the operation of polishing. ,