1st colour composed of,8 galls of 1st color oil ( ),8 galls raw linsd oil,Mix these two together,Take well dried whiting (best Gelder’s),Rubbed th[..] a course wire sieve to the state of a roughish powder – use sufficient to work up the above oils into a putty of pretty stiff consistency, yet not so stiff as to create any difficulty in getting it to mix readily with the other ingredients.,It is best in making the putty to half knead it – leave it a day and come to it again to finish it – the oil soaks into the whiting better,The whole of this quantity is taken to make what is termed “a pan of first colour”,Now take a mixture of 4 galls of the 1st colour oil (as above) and 4 galls linseed oil and mix it intimately with the above named putty and 56 # of well ground patnt dryers of W&N/s make (…………),This forms the “1st colour” preparation,It should be kept from 6 to 12 months, having a small quantity of linsd oil kept on the top of the pan to prevent skinning- By being kept it acquires a glutinous quality, necessary to prevent oil of the 1st colour from running through to the back of the canvass & causing it to have a stained appearance.,When the first colour is laid on the canvass 60 lbs of the above preparation is taken and ,,2nd Colour for canvass- [P4P141L13],Take 64 lbs of the putty made as before directed ,Add thereto 80 lb ground white lead (from tub), 2 ½ lb patent dryers (finely ground),,Third colouring for canvass [P4P142L01],(when finished by the trowel),168 lb grod white lead,36 lb putty ( as before described),1 ½ # patent dryer – (Watt’s fine grod),Thinned with turpentine,