1st colour,Take 8 galls 1st colour oil [ ],8 “ galls raw linseed oil,mix the two together.,Take dry whiting in a powdered state by its having been rubbed through a sieve, sufficient to make the whole of the above mixed oil into a moderately stiff putty, (but not so stiff as to interfere with its mixg. readily with the after preparations) It is best to get the whole mixed & half kneaded together – lay it up in heaps till all done, as it softens and the oil penetrates into the dry particles of the whiting.,Then knead again till evenly mixed using as much whiting as necessary.,The whole of this is taken to make a pan of 1st colour.,Take also 8 galls more of the same mixed oil and incorporate evenly with it,56 lbs of well ground patent dryers,Canvas Prepns Contind,(W&N’s make.) Thin the putty with this and it makes the pan of 1st colour prepn. This should have age (say from 6 to 12 months) that it may become viscid and so not stain “the backs of the cloths”. It also improves in its drying properties.,For a batch of cloths take,60 lbs out of the oldest pan in stock, strain it for use.,,Second colour prepn.,Take,64 lbs of the putty,80 lbs tub lead (Genne grod. white lead in oil),2 1/2 lbs patent dryers (as above),,Third colour prepn. (The finishg by trowel),168 lbs. tub lead,36 lbs putty,1 1/2 lb patent dryers (same as before.),