48# common gum animi (roused ..),valued at 9/-/- presumed present price 22/6/52 xi/-/-,Run as usual in two runs using,4 galls clarif oil (of Nov 6/52),7 galls dr. oil of May 20/52,adding to the boils pot,8 lb. colophony (common rosin),Boil as usual,Dryers - 4 # bt copp,4 # flakes litharge,Boil very strong indeed. Till it pulls out,quite thck & breaks off then add,3 galls more of the dr oil of May 20/52,through the nozel can,thin off almost directly with,20 galls turps - ,Cay says that it was longer before he could,get it properly strung - and had a good deal,of head with it - When brot home it was oak - ,about the t...fit for mahogy. but by adding,`1 Pint of p 224 to 2 of this - it brought it,right in consisence and nearer the,proper colour of oak,,rather stout - and appeared too dark for