Chapter III.
Modelling with cut paper figures.
Preliminary Observations.
1. The proportions here given refer only to the objects represented on the plates. They are of indispensable necessity, and ought to be care¬fully attended to until a sufficient knowledge to determine them, has been acquired by the young artist.
2. Whenever height, length, and breadth, are stated in general, these dimensions are to be un-derstood of the main parts of tjie given object. When the dimensions of the smaller parts are meant, those parts are expressly mentioned.
3. Care must be had to have a distinct notion of the sides within which the object to be repre¬sented is inclosed. This is the main point. And before you begin to draw, consider how much paper is required, and how it can be best made use of.
4. The dotted lines always direct the folding, but they must not be dotted on your own draw¬ing. If you wish particularly to mark them, they may be drawn finer than the others, or distin¬guished by little strokes.
5. Begin with making the given models with white paper only, and as simple at first as pos¬sible, leaving out small and less necessary parts. Adhere at first to the size here stated, and com¬pare your own flat paper figure with the one here given.
6. Be not over hasty. Read only as much of the directions at once as may be performed in a little time, and endeavour to imitate directly whatever you clearly comprehend.
7. But should you not succeed at once, be not deterred; try again with greater attention, seek for the cause of your failure, and avoid the mis¬take into which you had been betrayed. Re¬peated attempts are sure to be crowned with success.
A CUBE OR DIE. Plate 3.
With the flat paper figure b c. Plate 12*
The Cube or Die is enclosed by six equal squares, consequently it is as high as it is long or broad.
1. Draw the line b c; mark off from b to c three times one of the sides of the Cube; draw on the two middle points two lines at right angle» and produce them downwards.
2. Draw from the points b and c two straight lines at right angles; make them from b and c as long as one of the sides of the Cube ; and join them by a line, so that you obtain, as here, three quadrangles.
3. Afterwards draw, which now will be very easy, the three remaining quadrangles, and leave in the proper places the edges or margins requi¬site for joining. .
Cut out the flat paper figure. If the paper be large, do it first by guess, but afterwards very accurately. Both are easy. You need only ob¬serve the lines which here are drawn through and not dotted on purpose. Care must be had not to mjss any of the principal surfaces nor any of the edges left for joining. The latter may even be left tolerably large. Afterwards proceed to the folding. This too is not difficult. You are guided by the dotted lines by which it is clearly pointed out. You then clip the edges for joining, if needful, a little, and examine whether all the parts will form a correct whole. The points d, c, andJi for instance, must meet exactly When this is the case, thé ëdges are done over with glue or gum-water, arid joined in such a manner as not to be perceptible on the oritside. :
A CHAIR. Plate 3.
With the flat paper figure over g A. Plate 12. j Proportions.
Without the back, the height, breadth, and width, must be equal. The back itself as broad as high. But the seat is somewhat narrower than its length. On considering the flat paper figure attentively, you find over g h three qua¬drangles for the feet, a rectangle over the mid¬dle one for the seat, and over this seat another quadrangle for the back.
If the seat is to he a little narrower behind, the back must consequently he so, and the former in that case is not a quadrangle but a trapezium.
The thickness of the feet in the upper parts is about one sixth of their height; but in the lower parts only half of a sixth of their height. The thickness of the seat is about the fifth of its length. Several parts of the back, in front and on the side below, are as thick as the upper parts of the feet; and the back on the side above is as thick as the lower parts of the feet. The upper cross piece of the back is as . high as the seat is thick in front. •
1. Draw the line g h: erect upon it three suc-cessive times the front line of the seat, and place on the points right angular lines, the two exterior ones about as long as the breadth of the seat; but the two middle ones a little more than three times as long as that breadth.
2. Take the height of the seat from g to k, and from h to /, and drawing the line I k, determine the three adjoining quadrangles. Afterwards draw, which will now be very easy, the middle rectangle and the upper quadrangle. The for¬mer is lower than the quadrangle by the thick¬ness of the lower side of the back.
3. Draw under the line I k a line parallel to it at a distance equal to the thickness of the seat, and extend upon it the thickness of the upper parts of the feet to the right and left of the lines right angularly drawn upon g h. Then in the same manner mark off upon the line g h the lower thickness of the feet, and draw the in¬clined lines by which the feet are distinguished.
4. Having attended to the given proportions and first drawn parallel lines, delineate the open work of the back, and, as here, its lateral breadth. Lastly, mind the margins for joining.
After the flat paper figure has been cut out in the roughs fold it so that the sides not marked come to lie one upon the other, excepting how¬ever the back, the marked side of which comes to lie upon the marked side of the seat.
The figure then is cut out more accurately, so that the feet stand free; the open work of the back appears, and margins of proper breadth are left for joining.
If the parts now meet exactly, as for instance the point I the point m, proceed to glueing so that the margins be not visible on the outside. The back must be a little inclined.
Should coloured paper be preferred, brown, spotted, or streaked like wood, will be most suit¬able.
If the upper cross piece of the back is to pro¬ject a little sideways as on the chair in the thipd Plate, or as it is to the right of d, draw and cut out separately a narrow rectangle like that at t, and fix it properly. It may be clipped after it has been joined.
A TABLE. Plate 3.
With the flat paper figure over n p. Plate 12.
Two-thirds as broad as long; that is to say, if you allow two parts to the breadth, the length must have three. The height is a little more than the breadth. If this height is to be proportioned to the chair, half of the heigh t of the latter may be added. The upper cross ledge of the plinth has nearly a fourth of the height of the plinth itself. The lower ledge is half as much raised from the bottom.
The breadth of the upper parts of the feet is about an eighth of their height up to the upper cross ledge; lower down they are less thick. The drawer has half the height of the cross-ledge, and its length is double its breadth. The table board projects onall the four sides half the height of the upper cross ledge. •
1. Draw the line n p; set off upon it from «,
first the length of the pedestal, then its breadth, then again the length, and once more the breadth, and erect at these points perpendicular lines as long, or even a little longer, as the pedestal is to be high. . • * .
2. Make the line n 9 and p r of the height of the pedestal; draw the line q r, and under it, parallel to it at the proper distance, another for the upper cross-ledge. Afterwards draw the feet, as before for those of the chair. .
3. Determine by taking correctly n and p the* lower cross-ledge, and observe the margins for joining.
4. Draw the rectangle for the table board with small margins at the four sides, either for joining or to represent the thickness of the table board.
5. Draw as at s and #, (see plate XII), the pieces requisite for the drawer. The part t is fixed to it in front.
After having made a cube or a chair, it is easy to cut and fold the flat paper figures of a table. The feet may be cut out after the folding.
If the edges correspond exactly, join first the parts of the pedestal. The point q must here correspond with the point r. Afterwards fasten the pedestal to the board, so that the latter may project.
And, m order that the drawer may not sink be-hind on being put into the table, fasten at the upper part of the plinth, a small slip of paper on which the drawer may rest. A very small pea, or a grain of pimento,, put in front, in the middle, will serve as a knob for pulling.
If coloured paper be employed, brown of the colour of wood is the most suitable. The table board may be of a different colour; you may, for instance, give it the appearance of being covered with oil cloth. Should the making of a separate drawer give too much trouble, a slip of paper, like that at t, upon the upper cross ledge, may supply its place.
With a flat paper figure like that of the Table, only that the feet are very short, and that there are several drawers.
Two-thirds as broad as long^ and nearly as high as broad. The top projects but little. The height of the drawers is according as there are two, three, or four, of them. The height of the feet is about a seventh of the height of the chest of drawers.
After having drawn the four rectangles, as if it were to be a table, and taken one of them for the sliding in of the drawers, proceed as on the left, below plate 13, over v.
1. The distance of the drawers, or rather of the openings for their sliding in, is determined ac-cording to the directions in Prop. IX. of the In-troductory exercises. z
2. Draw, according to the directions given re-specting a table, the feet, the top, and the draw¬ers ; and attend to the margins for joining.
Like that of a table. Instead of real drawers, narrow rectangles may be fixed.
A SENTRY-BOX. Plate 4.
With the flat paper figures over and under w x. Plate 13.
As long as broad; but laterally, or from the front to the back, a little more than one-third of the height. The door is half as broad as the breadth, and about five times and a half as high as it is broad.
]. Set off upon the previously drawn line w x four successive times the length or breadth, and draw lines from these points, at right angles, to the line w r. If the heSght be determined from w and x, and a line drawn parallel to w x, you obtain four similar rectangles. '
2. Draw over two of these rectangles equila¬teral triangles, and rub out the lower lines. Af¬terwards determine, as here, the door and the small windows as well as thé margins for joining.
3. Appropriate, as under x, the equally divided rectangle to the roof. This rectangle ought to be somewhat longer than twice a side of the tri¬angles, and a little broader than the sentry-box itself.
When the flat paper figure is cut out in the rough, fold it properly, and afterwards cut it out more correctly, afc well as the door and win-dows.
On joining, the edge, over x, must come exactly upon that over w, and the sentry-box must be fixed upon the ground. Then the roof is placed upon it ; and the whole is joined in such a man¬ner that none of the margins be visible on the outside.
The roof may be painted red, blue, black, or brown, or covered with paper of any of these colours : but it must be done before it is placed upon the box.
The size of this sentry-box corresponds with that of children’s pewter or leaden soldiers. It may be less. The bottom is in the shape of a quadrangle or rectangle, and may be contrived with very strong paper or thin pasteboard.
The roof may be represented as made of boards, by means of fine wood shavings cut into small pieces of the breadth of a common goose quill, glued crossways on each side, and projecting a little one over the other. When sufficiently dry, they may be clipped even with scissars; which is far more expeditious than to cut them separately of equal length.
With a flat paper figure similar to that of the sentry-box. Plate 13.
The sides double the length but only half the height of the breadth of the thatched house. The remainder is evident from the
which is exactly like that of the flat paper figure of the sentry-box, only altering the length, breadth, and height, making the door somewhat higher, and leaving out the side-windows. The roof and the bottom must, of course, be longer, and project a little.
It is nearly the same as that of the sentry-box. The roof may be painted, or actually covered with thatch, in the following manner: Cut good straw of a fine yellow colour into small pieces some¬what longer than the length of the roof , down¬wards, split them, do tlie hollows over with paste or glue, and fix them one close to tfye other on the roof, beginning by the gable end, so as to be all even at the top. When sufficiently dry, clip them equal with a pair of scissars, and make them project a little. Lay also some straw cross ways at the top. See plate 4, above to the left.
With the flat paper figures Plate 14, and under k, Plate 15.
Proportions. .
' The bottom and side-walls are five equal qua-drangles. The roof consists of four equilateral triangles. The door is about half as high or as broad as one side of the quadrangles. Each of the four perches is about as long as the door is high, and a fourth as broad.
The pole, which goes below through the bottom of the pigeon-house, is altogether four times as long as the house is broad; its lower end is a little thicker than the fourth of this breadth, but the upper end not so thick. .
The ground of the base is a quadrangle which has double the length or breadth of the pigeon- house ; but the sliding ledges are full as long as the building is high without the roof, and about a fourth as broad.
- Drawing.
1. The flat paper figure of the building. First draw the line b c, and set off on it the breadth of the house four successive times; then draw, as here, five adjoining quadrangles, the undermost of which forms the bottom. After this, determine the door and perches as well as the round hole in the bottom for the passage of the pole; the spot for this hole is found by drawing from one angle to the other in the direction of the centre two lines that shall intersect each other. Attend likewise to the margins for joining.
2. The flat paper figure for the base. Having given to the line d f its proper length, draw against and with it a quadrangle, and determine its centre by means of two diagonals. Then set off on the middle of each side of the quadrangle the breadth of the sliding ledges, and placing the ruler on the two opposite points, draw lines, and at the same distance two more for the sides of the sliding ledges. Then make these of the requisite length, and observe here and there, as atg, the inclined segments and the margin for fixing the sliding ledge on the pole.
3. The flat paper figure for the pole. This consists merely of a slip of paper about as long as the pole is to be high, and about a fourth of the breadth of the pigeon-house in its broadest part. It is represented on a small scale at h, plate XIV.
4. The flat paper figure for the roof. See under A, Plate 15. Only draw, as here, four, adjoining equilateral triangles. But each side of these triangles must'be somewhat larger than the breadth of the pigeon-house, else the roof would not project sufficiently; and the margin for joining must not be omitted.
Begin with the flat paper figure of the pigeon-house; after having cut and folded it in the rough, fit the edges b and c upon each other, and then fix the four walls of the building on its bottom. The margins are all folded inwards: but the upper ones are only a little bent and kept rather erect, to facilitate the roofing.
The roof may be painted, or covered crossways, with wood shavings, like the sentry-box.
Afterwards proceed to the pole and the pedes¬tal. To make the former, roll the afore-men¬tioned slip of paper to its proper thickness, beginning at the sharp-pointed end, as here h to the left, opposite, and fix it; if you wish to paint it, the most suitable colour is brown.
When the base or pedestal is ready, fix the thicker part of the pole on the middle of the bot¬tom, and on the pole itself the sliding ledges; and afterwards insert the pole through the round hole at the bottom into the pigeon-house.
The roof is best painted; the ground itself on which the pigeon-house stands may be painted grey, and covered here and there with moss, par¬ticularly where the sliding ledges may happen hot to fit exactly.
Instead of making the pole of paper, you may take a young straight twig properly dried and co-vered with bark. A small pearl of wax or a ju¬niper-berry may serve as a knob on the roof.
AN INK-STAND. Plate 5.
Chiefly with the flat paper figures of the cube.
Two dice, like the one on the third Plate, give one the ink glass, the other the sand-box. De¬scribe therefore on the flat paper figure of each,, in the centre of the surface which is to be upper¬most, a circle, and this cut out will be the hole of the ink-glass ; pricked through with a fine pin, it will give the holes for the sand to pass through the sand-box. But to find the middle points for the circular line, draw two diagonals on each of the two quadrangles.
A chest, like the table drawer, will serve for the stand itself; only the front ledge must be ex¬actly like the back one. The ink-stand must not be too small, that there may be sufficient room for the ink-glass and sand-box; the latter may be rendered moveable by means of an uncovered cube, into which it might be placed; but this is rather difficult and tedious to contrive.
The ink-stand may be painted, or made with coloured paper. A grain of seed, or a very small wax pearl, may be fixed with a little glue or gum against the sand-box, to serve as a knob.
With the flat paper figures over I m and close to q. Plate 15.
/ Proportions. .
The stove, independent of the two supporters, consists of two parts. The lower part is as high as it is long, but only two-thirds as broad. The upper is as high as the lower part, but about a tenth or twelfth shorter and narrower. The height as well as the breadth of these two parts consequently are determined by the given length.
The height of the two supporters is a fourth of this length. But the hearth-plate on which the lower part of the stove rests, projects but little, say as much as the upper is narrower than the lower part. The door-shaped space in the upper part is a rectangle, which on both sides and at the top recedes about a third of the front breadth of the upper part.
1. Take twice upon the previously drawn line I m, as here, the lower length and breadth 5 erect
* on these points perpendicular lines, and by de-termining the height from I and m, and drawing a line, finish the four lower rectangles.
2. Draw a line parallel to the common or ge-neral upper line of these rectangles at a distance equal to what the upper part wants of the length and breadth of the lower one ; take, as here at n p, the breadth of the upper part exactly in the middle of the lower one, and then draw the rect¬angles for the upper part in the same way as for the lower one.
3. Draw over the rectangle elose to n p an¬other rectangle equally broad, but as high as the stove is long at the top, as well as the two rectangles for the door-shaped openings. After¬wards determine also the mouth of the stove, the round hole for the flue, and the margins for join¬ing.
Determine, as at q, the flat paper figure for the supporters, afterwards a small rectangle to be rolled up for the flue, and an additional rect¬angle to be folded for the exterior circumference of the mouth of the stove. Draw also the before- mentioned hearth-plate, like the table-board.
The flat paper figures are first cut’ out in the rough, according to the undotted lines, and then folded according to the dotted ones. In joining, the point I must fall exactly upon’ the point and all the margins are put under and concealed. When the stove is fixed on its plate, and provided with the flue and the circumference of the mouth, it is placed on the supporters, and along with these, fastened upon a piece of stiff paper or thin pasteboard, in the shape of a rectangle.
The stove, may be painted black with fine white cross lines, imitating Dutch tiles, and this is best done before joining.
The oblong rectangle of thin pasteboard on which the stove is to be fixed, may be folded in such a way that one part represents the floor, and the other the wall of a room, at such a distance from each other as to make a right angle. The stove will then be placed as stoves usually are in Germany.
With & flat paper figure similar to that of the stove.
Distinguish the upper, middle, and lower part. The middle one, as the principal part, is as broad as it is long, but its height is about a fifth more than its length. The lower part is only a fourth as high as the middle one, and recedes about a third of its height. The upper part is rather sloping, and as high as the lower one.
Excepting the hearth-plate and the two sup-porters of the German stove, the drawing is the same as that of the stove, with this difference only, that what is the lower part of the stove is here still lower, arid in the middle one a circle must be described for thé dial.
The upper part of this watch-stand must be drawn separately. Describe a circular or curve line like that round the point r, Plate 16. Set off upon it the breadth of the upper part four successive times, and from these points draw lines towards the centre.
Afterwards draw the lines, $ t, &c. and others parallel to them, at the proper distance. Lastly draw, as here, the quadrangle, and mind the mar-gins for joining.
Having drawn the dial and the hands on a se-parate paper, fix it in the interior of the watch- stand, which may be painted black, brown, grey, or spotted, and may have additional ornaments made with a pen or pencil.
With the flat paper figures over and under v w, Plate 15; but the young artist had better make it on a larger scale than represented in the plate.
The steps here are chiefly to be attended to. They are generally at the same distance from each other as their breadth, and four times as lQng. The side pieces must be of such a breadth that the steps do not project.
D 2
1. Draw the line v w as long as each step, erect perpendicular lines on the points v w; and if you want four steps, set off from v and w, four times the slope of a step. This slope is deter¬mined as at viz. two lines are drawn right- angularly one upon the other 5 then set off from x to z the height of the step, and from * to ft its breadth, and afterwards draw the line z ft as its slope.
2. Join the points just obtained upon the lines over D and w with cross lines, also dotted here, and then draw by means of parallel lines the breadth and thickness of the side pieces, whose breadth is found by determining, according to Prop. V. of the Introductory Exercises, how far the point x is distant from the line .
3. Determine likewise the slope of the side- pieces at their extremities, as at w. The point d in the prolongation of the line over w is here equidistant from c and
4. Draw three times more such a step like the ' two upper narrow rectangles over v w, with ’ margins to represent ,the thickness. Afterward
the supporters or props, as at ƒ.
Construction. ,
Cut the flat paper figure over v w, as marked here by the undotted lines, give it the fproper folds for the side pieces and the upper step, after¬wards cut and fold the remainder; viz. the three lower steps and the two supporters; the former must be carefully cut, and then folded according to the dotted lines, so as to leave about the same spaces, to represent the.thickness both of the back and front of each step ; afterwards join the steps to the side pieces upon the sloping lines.
When all is properly joined, the steps viewed sideways must look as they do on the third Plate.
. The steps might also be contrived thus:—De-termine the distance and breadth of the steps four successive times, as under d; then fold this flat paper figure in a zigzag, and join it so as to form a whole, with the figure over v w.
On taking twice from x the breadth of a step upon the line close to d, and describing an arc as here, you obtain also the slope for two steps, by drawing this sloping line itself. Suppose therefore you had delineated a flight of steps as under d, and wished to determine the height of the rectangle over v w, the height of two steps would be that of the sloping line, and that of four steps double its height, and so on in proportion.
With the flat paper figures over ƒ g and over h. Plate 16.
. ' Proportions*
Only two-thirds as broad as long. The height up to the roof half the length of the building. The gable side of the roof is an equilateral tri¬angle. ,
The height of the door is double its breadth. The windows in their exterior circumference are quadrangles, a little less in height than the door is in breadth. The chimney is half the breadth of the door, and the height and breadth of a win dow. The roof and the bottom of the house project a little above the building.
First Case: When the gables at the top are not broken.
1. DrSaw the line ƒ g and s^t off upon it suc-cessively the length, the breadth, then again the length and again the breadth of the building; erect on these points lines at right angles, and determine its two long lateral Qanks after having first taken from ƒ and g the height of the build¬ing up to the roof.
2. Draw the two equilateral triangles; sup¬plying the lower line in your mind, and then the door and windows, either as here or according to any different plan of your own; and observe the margins for joining.
3. Determine the two conjoint rectangles for the roof, as between k and A, neglecting the sloping lines. The leifgth of these rectangles is but little more than the length of the building, and the height of each a little more than one of the sloping lines of the gable.
Second Case : When the gables are broken at the top.
1. Draw all as 1 and 2 in the former case, and afterwards shorten every gable side as below I; m » is here drawn so that I m is equal to I n.
2. Determine the bottom and roof; the latter as between A and k: it is delineated as at 3 in the first case. Then take from p to q the shortening of the top, from p to r and $ the length / m or / /?, and draw the lines q r and q $. On describing
with q r from q, and with m n from r, small arcs intersecting each other at /, and joining these points with lines, you obtain the equilateral triangle q r t. The opposite side must be drawn in the same manner, and proper attention must be paid to the margins for joining.
3. Draw, as under r, the flat paper figure for the chimney, by first taking twice upon one line the breadth and length, and erecting lines at right angles, and afterwards raise the line under v to its proper height. The segments are de¬termined by describing equilateral triangles, the gable side of the roof being such a triangle.
After having cut in the rough and folded the flat paper figure of the building, so that the point ƒ coincides with the point g, fix the roof, then the chimney upon it, and afterwards the bottom. The roof may be painted to represent either tiles or slates.
If it be a tiled roof, paint it first red or brown, and then the tiles as below to the right and left on the fourth Plate.
If it be a slated roof, paint it first blue, and then the slates as above to the right and left on the fourth Plate.
Instead of cutting the windows out, they may be painted black, and the sash or casement white.
Instead of cutting thé door out and represent- ingjt as open, it may be painted as if it were shut. The shutters may be painted in the same way. But both door and shutters may likewise be made with fine wood^havings.
With a flat paper figure like that of the gable¬- roofed house, Plate 16.
The proportions and drawing are likewise the same with those of the gable-roofed hous e.
The same as with the aforesaid house; only if the roof is to be thatched, it must he done like . the top on the left, or on the right below, in the sixth Plate« In the former case it is actually covered with thatch, like the thatched house; in the latter it is painted and covered in front of the gable with fine wood shavings.
With flat paper figures like those of the gables roofed house.
1. The Bam; about two-thirds as broad as long. If a cottage be joined to it, the bam must be longer, broader, and higher than the cottage: the door is as high as broad, and very rge.
2. The Stable. Twice as long as-broad, hut low, and not so high as the cottage, if this be joined
to it. The windows as high as broad, and rather small.
Drawing and Construction.
The same as the cottage. The barn-door may be contrived like the door of the gable-roofed hbuse.
Plate 7.
The flat paper figure is the same as under w, Plate 16; but at the top there is a separate slip of paper crossways, as in the seventh Plate. Such a paling or palisade may also be contrived as the drawing to the left on this seventh Plate.
Plate 6.
With the flat paper figures over x z, Plate 16; and ofvef b c, Plate. 17-
Two-thirds as broad as long. The height up to the roof half the length of the building. The slope of the roof on the narrow side is an equila¬teral triangle. The height of the door is double its breadth; every window is two-thirds as broad
i as high. ’
Drawing. : -
The flat paper figure xz is only half of the lower part of the house; the other half must be supplied in the mind. The drawing itself is not * difficult. . First, take twice the length and breadth upon the line x z, and its prolongation, and then draw each of the four large rectangles.
- To make the roof.
1. Draw. the; line b c, Plate 17, a little longer , than the length of the building, that the lower end of the roof may project a little; and mark off
exactly in the middle, the length of the top of the roof, according to Prop. VIII. of the Introductory Exercises. Afterwards erect straight lines on the last-mentioned points.
2. Take with the compasses one sloping side of the roof on the broad side of the building, and about as much in addition as the roof is to project on both sides; and carry this length from the line be to the right-angular lines on the same; draw the line which is parallel to this and the two sloping lilies,' one of which is e rf.
3. Having first taken the two right-angular
lines upon £ c, draw once, more the trapezium over b c, as here y and mark at the same time two margins for joining, i ,
4. Opening the compasses as Wide as the breadth of the building, and as much in addition as the roof projects on both sides, describe from c a small arc, like that at/; then from rf with the lengih c d another small arc which intersects the former,and draw the lines c fmA df.
5. Draw another such triangle as c d f opposite to it, and the two small flat paper figures for the windows in the roof, according to the directions for the gable elevation of the house on the seventh Plate.
Construction, >
The same upon the whole as that of the gable- roofed house, only that the roof here must not be covered with thatch.
Consisting below of a cube, and above of a truncated pyramid.
Make the cube as that in the first Plate, and the pyramid like the Upper part of the watch-stand; only with this difference, that it must be very high, at least three times higher than the cube, which must project a little. .
The monument may be painted like stone or parble, and decked with other ornaments; and the ground on which it stands may be covered with a little moss.
Like the house with the gable or sloping roof, only higher; with two or three rows of windows one over the other, and a window over the door.
Plate 7.
A small part of the flat paper figure is between g A, Plate 18.
• Three'times as long as broad; only one-third as high as broad. The gable elevation in front is about half as long as the whole building, and as high as a fourth of this half. The roof itself is as bigthas the building up to the roof.
Altering only the length, breadth, and height, it is the same as that of the house with the sloping roof. The length of the gable elevation must be taken exactly in the middle, according to Prop. VIII. of the Introductory Exercises 5 but the roof of this elevation is to be drawn like k I, Plate 20. This line k I is less than twice as long as one of the sloping lines of the gable elevation 5 but the right-angular line on its middle is obtained, by supposing, after the roof is fixed, a perpendicular line from the sharp point of the gable elevation to the roof, and taking its length with the com-
Constructian. .
The same with that of the two houses with gable and sloping roof. A few steps may be added to the door in front, by removing it a little higher up.
In the way it is represented here, it is that of a palisade or paling. It is therefore drawn like a palisade, and may be painted; or if cut out, a slip of paper on which the folding door is painted separately, may be fixed in the opening, or this opening may be left as if the gate were open.
A BRIDGE. Plate 7*
With the flat paper figure at the top, Plate 18.
Three times as long as broad. Each arch is described with a radius equal to the length of the bridge. The height of the balustrade is a third of the stated breadth.
After the rectangle under m n has been drawn of the length and breadth of the bridge, take with the compasses the length m n, and describe from m and w, two small arcs which intersect each other, as here at p.
Place one point of the compasses onp, and de¬scribe with the other not only the are mn, but , also the arcs parallel to this, which serve to
form the balustrade.
The same is done with the similar lower arcs, and the two balustrades are then drawn more complete. Describe also the two innermost arcs With a radius as long as the straight line between the terminating points of each of these arcs.
- The upper arch consists of a rectangle, which must be bent, and which is as broad as the bridge, but as long as the arc m n. Afterwards deter¬mine, according to the last but one of the intro¬ductory exercises, the length of this rectangle, and mark at each of its sides the margins for joining.
When joined, each part, like that over m n, will stand straight upon the rectangle under m n, and the upper part must be fixed in such a man¬ner that no margin may be seen.
Such a bridge looks very neat white ; but it may be painted gray, and the balustrade brown. The upper part of the bridge, or rather the road over it, may be represented as paved or covered with gravel. The paper altogether should be very strong and stiff.
With the flat paper figures which are partly in the middle and partly below on Plate 19.
The tower, (which, like its principal roof, is round), is up to this roof twice and a half as high as the diameter, and the roof itself is as high aa the tower is in diameter. The height of the upper ledge close under the roof is an eighth of the height of the tower up to it, and the little turrets lower down are about a half higher. Each roof of these little turrets is one and a half as high as a turret without the roof. %
The balcopy is about a third as broad as long, half us long as the tower is in diameter, and half as high as the door behind it. The pillars area third of the height of the tower without the roo£ and a fourth as broad as they are high. Their lower part is about as narrow as half of their lower breadth.
The remaining proportions are easily found.
There is here only part of the flat paper figure of this tower without its roof, close to the line k lf which is equal to the requisite height. The exact length of this paper figure should be twelve times a fourth of the thickness of the tower.
The aforementioned ledge, which goes round the top under the roof, and is separately joined to it, is a little longer than its substratum, itself, or the circumference of the wall on which it is fixed. It is best determined by compressing the rectangle requisite for the tower.
Other windows and doors besides those marked here must be supplied, and the two doors given here must be placed neither higher nor lower than the balcony and the draw-bridge will allow.
Draw the roof for the tower as under w, Plate 19. Take with the compasses the length of one of the sloping lines of the roof up to where it pro¬jects over the lower part of the tower, and describe a circular arc; afterwards take upon it twelve times a fourth of the lower width of the roof, and from the two extreme points draw lines towards the centre, or here the point m, Mark also the margin for joining.
As for the small turrets, draw the flat paper figure for the lower part as at w, Plate 19; and for the roof like that of the pigeon-house, taking care, however, to alter the height.
Draw the flat paper figure for the balcony as at p, for the drawbridge as at g, and for each pil¬lar as at r, Plate 19. >
The wall consists in its principal parts of a rectangle of about a fifth of the height of the tower without the roof, and of at least ten times its length.
After having joined all the parts, and fixed the small turrets, the balcony, and the pillars in their proper places, fasten below at t6e entrance a narrow rectangular slip of paper, to represent that part of the bridge which may be drawn up/
The wall is best made of thick pasteboard co¬vered with paper, which is neatly clipped and trimmed when dry. The whole building may be placed on pasteboard, and painted like an old ruin; but the roofs as if they were slated, or still better, green, as if they had been covered with copper. Doors and windows may be painted instead of being cut out; some moss maybe laid in different parts, and vanes fastened to the tops of the turrets, or flags kept flying as here, to ren¬der the whole more conformable to reality?
With the flat paper figure close to st, Plate 19 .
The flat bottom is a rectangle six times as long as high or broad.
' Drawing.
1. Draw the rectangle over st six times as long as high or broad ; prolong the narrow late”ral lines on both sides, and resting one point of the compasses on each of these prolongations, de¬scribe, with half the length of the rectangle, arcs which meet, as here at v.
2. Make the length s w equal to the length of the arc tv, and do the same with the other three similar lengths; determine also, upon the afore¬said prolonged lines, from the point where they are met by the long lateral lines of the rectangle above $ t, the height of the two sides of the boat, here two-thirds of the breadth of the rectangle over s t; then draw the remainder as here.
3. Markthe margins for joining, as those of s a’, and others.
The two parts here above and under w must first be joined; the point w must coincide with the point x, and the same is to be observed with the opposite, part; of the flat paper figure«
When all is dry, the other parts must be folded according to the curve lines marked here. The bottom and the side pieces must have the proper bend, as over z. For the two benches or seats, which are at a tolerable distance from each other, a small slip of paper is to be folded as under z.
Such a boat requires particularly strong paper, and may be painted a brown or grey wood colour.
A SLEDGE. Plate 9.
With the flat paper figure close to b d* Plate 17.
These are given by the following
1. Draw the rectangle b c and a similar one over 6 d, each only one-third as high or broad as long. With the distance c d, describe from ƒ the two parallel arcs, distant from each other about a ninth part of c di .
Produce the perpendicular lines g and A up to the line bd, and draw the two lines g to the left, and h to the right, in the proportion of two-thirds of c d.
3. Déterminé all the rest as is clearly seen here.
After having cut out in the rough, and lined the paper if it be »too thin or coloured, fold ac- » cording to the dotted line b d9 and cut according to the undotted lines, holding the two halves of the paper figure one upon the other. Hence there is no occasion for any further delineation of the rectangle over b d. Then open the paper, smooth it, and finish the folding ; all parts here must be bent towards the point ƒ. The body of the sledge is soon formed, and the remainder ir easily done. The seat in the sledge may be con¬trived with a narrow slip of paper.
If the rectangle over b d be drawn on the op-posite side like that under b d, the folding accord¬ing to this line b d may be dispensed with. The outer seat may also be made separately, and fixed on the sledge. Indeed with a correct eye such a sledge may be cut out of a card without any drawing.
A SHIP. Plate 9.
The main body isconstructednearlyon the same principles as a boat, only the flat paper figure is in one part like that atg, Plate 20. There is also a piece like that under g requisite for the cabin; and for the covering in of this cabin, a rectangle which is a little longer than the cabin, and as broad as the length of its arc on the top.
How the rudder is to be made of wood and fastened, may be seen at A, Plate 20. The main¬mast is almost as long as the ship ; the seeond mast a little shorter. Each sail consists of a rectangle, whose breadth is two-thirds of its length. It is fastened here and there on the mast. *
The main body of such a ship may also be made at both ends like the boat, only the two arcs must in one place be made somewhat longer by opening the compasses a little wider, and the cabin made separately must be placed where the shorter arcs begin and do not intersect each other.
In this latter case the rudder consists only of a single crooked piece of wood, somewhat like A', Plate 21.
/ A CHURCH. Plate, 10.
With flat paper figures like those of the house with a sloping roof, and of the upper part of the pigeon-house.
The length almost double that of the breadth; up to the roof as high as broad or rather a little higher. The roof of the church and that of the tower are both of that height. Without the roof the tower has not quite that height.
The large windows are three times as high as broad, but the window over the door is only a little higher than broad. The door is but half as broad as high. The window in the tower is a quadrangle.
Like the house with the sloping roof, only with
different proportions. Draw the lower part of the tower as above I m9 Plate 20. The two segments, to fasten it on the church roof, are found by drawing the narrow side of the church roof separately as at w, and placing the lower part of the tower exactly in the middle, as may be seen here close to n. Each of the aforesaid segments is a triangle like that at
The roof of the tower, altering only the height, may be drawn like that of the pigeon-house; the triangles are all equilateral.
, Construction.
The same as of the house with the sloping roof and of the pigeon-house. If, besides the roofs of the church and tower, the lower parts of the church are likewise to be painted, it may be done as marked below to the left or in the middle tothe right of the tenth Plate.
A ROUND HUT. Plate 10.
The bottom or ground is a circle described with an opening of the compasses equal to the height of the posts or pillars up to the roof, of which the flat paper figure is to be drawn like that under m, Plate 19, but so that the arc here be somewhat longer than the circular line, for ' the bottom to secure the proper projection of the roof. <
The posts or supporters, six or eight in num¬ber, must be drawn as at p or y, Plate 18.
Construction. .
When the parts have all been cut and folded, the posts are fixed at equal distances from each other on the circular bottom, and the hut is roofed in. The roof may either be painted or actually covered with thatch, and a little moss may be strewed here and there upon the roof and posts.
The flat paper figures for the body of the mill are the same with those of the house with the gable roof. The breadth sideways is a little more than that in front; but the height up to the roof is twice the breadth. The trestle or base on which the mill stands is half as long as the height of the mill. The sails are so long that they almost graze the ground.
On the side opposite to the sails is a door, with steps leading to it, which steps may be made with a flat paper figuredike that over p, Plate 20. The two side pieces and the balustrade may be cut out separately. These steps are fixed to the long beam by which the mill turns on the tres¬tle, as may be seen at q, Plate 20. 0 .
The skeleton of the sails is. partly given below to the left of the 9th Plate; but the rods or bars- may also go through the middle of
B the sails, and a small part of the skeleton will then appear as below to the right of the said Plate.
The trestle is contrived with small pieces of wood; but it may likewise be made as the base of the pigeon-house. The slope of the sails arid fheir axie-tr^e ate also indicated on the 11th
* Plate.
The same fiat paper figure as that of a chair ; only the three quadrangles one over the other must be made broader, and the two arms must be contrived with the fiat paper figure at r, Plate 20. The back as well as the seat may be covered with paper of a different colour, to give them the appearance of being stuffed.
Itinay be itiadewith a flat paper figurelifoe that under $ or over r on the 16th Plate. The handle may be made separately with a slip of very strong paper. ,
The flat paper figure is nearly the same as that of the TABLE over n p, Plate XII. which served also for the CHEST of DRAWERS, Plate III.
Observe only that on this 22d Plate, Fig. 1. a is the front, in which there are to be two
% doors with a key-hole.
b b represent the two sides. d the top, under and against which are fastened
tfle joinings' of the back and sides, as. well as the projecting part of the top.
The Chiffonnibre itself, when ready, may be painted a brownish colour, so as to imitate ma¬hogany. The legs may have four small yellow metal beads fastened to them, in imitation of balls, in which case the legs may be made rather shorter than the drawing.
A SOFA. Plate XXII. Fig. 2.
The flat paper figure of a CHAIR over g A, Plate XII. which served for the ARM-CHAIR, may also be consulted here, but observe on Plate XXII. fig. 2, that
the seat k is about two and a half times longer than it is broad.
The sides I are twice as long a9 broad, and joined to the back m taking the curve of the back; but at n they are rolled close.
The Plate XXII. represents only half the sofa; the other half, which is accurately to correspond with this, must be supplied by the young artist.
The seat itself, and the sides, may be painted black, as if they were horse-hair; and the legs and frame may be painted brown, to imitate ma¬hogany.
This, after all the preceding objects have been properly constructed, will offer no difficulties.
Observe only the proportions as marked in this 22d Plate.
The bottom a is twice as long as broad. b b are the two sides, rather narrower towards the handles.
c d the two extremities. e e the handles.
ƒ ƒ the projecting pieces to which the axle of the wheel is joined : they are similar to the han¬dles, but rather wider and shorter.
g g the points for placing the legs, which are of the same length with ƒ ƒ.
The wheel may be either with or without spokes. It may be made of a piece of card with a narrow slip of paper glued round it; and a small piece of wood may serve for the axle.
TUB flat paper figures of the five regular geo-metrical bodies. Plate 21.
The flat paper figure I. consists of three ad¬joining equilateral Triangles, and makes aleJrne- dron.
The figure II. consists of eight adjoining equi-lateral Triangles, and makes an Octaedron.
The figure III. consists of twenty adjoining equilateral Triangles, and makes an lcosaedron.
The figure IV. consists of twelve regular Pen-tagons, and makes a Dodecaedron.
The flat paper figure close to 6 on the 12th, Plate, consists of six adjoining equal quadrangles, and makes a Hexaedron, Die or Cube.
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