Miniatura or the Art of Limning – Edward Norgate (1650 ca.)
Three blacks mentioned:
1. Lampblack
2. Cheristone black (no recipe present)
3. Ivory black
How to Black your Frames (p. 92)
Take lamp Black and Temper it with Size and therwith black your Frames. You must only putt your Black unground into your Size ; stirre with your brush and soe lay it on.
To make Blacks. (p. 93)
Lamp Black is a good Black, but the Black earth that the Paynters that paynt Mapps and Coper plates use if far better, but for velvets Harts Horn Black or Ivory Black are the best.
To make Harts horn or Ivory Black (p. 94)
Take Hartshorn or Ivory and burn it to a Cole and then grynd it with oyle. You must burnt it in a Crucible, close stopped that the Ayer cannot come into it, for half an Hower ;
To make Charcole Black. (p. 94)
Charcole Black is good to shadow Ruffes or lynin and is thus made. Grynd charcoal very small with water, lett it dry, and then grynd it with Oyle.
To make Sea Cole Black. (p. 94)
Sea Cole Black is made as charcoal Black is and serveth for diverse uses as the Charcole Black doth.
Instructions to paint black objects
For Black velvett. (p. 98) (instruction to paint black velvet)
Take lamp black and verdegreese for the first ground. When that is drye, take Ivory Blacke and verdegreese ; shadow it a little whyte lead mixed with Lamp Black.
For Black Leather. (p. 101) (instruction to paint black leather)
For shoes Take lamp black and shadow it with whyte lead more or less.
For black sattyn (p. 104) (instruction to paint black satin)
Take lamp Black and Grind it with oyle and then Temper it with whyte lead and wher you will have it to shyne most mixe a little lake with the whyte lead.