RSCL.P.-3i-1646 FR transcription
Pour teindre noir de flandres.. (1646)
Pour teindre noir de flandres (lequel est noir en garance:) il faut faire premierement brun bleu sur le qeuul[?], apres le bofirst half seventeenth century avec d'alum & le moitie de tar tartre ou rasine[?], apres le boulir en garance. L'espace d'un heure: & apres les respasser; pour un piece de dp drap. de 32 aulnes: pour les boulir en alume: 7 [symbol measurement] d'Alume 31/2 [symbol measurement] de tartre.
Po[ur] faire la cuve de Guesde
Pour teindre f de bon guesde. & 40 [symbol #] de Indico fort bon. Eau 40 bariles [?]
Po[ur] teindre en noir.
Po[ur] une piece de drap des 32 aulnes lou- vrage. Il fault premierement mouiller vostre drap tornant[?] de bonheur[?] sans aultre addi- tion[?]. & le mouiller. puis mettre dans la cuve [?] au commencement[?] (qui soit fort chaud ) & L'y laisser une heure le maniant? avec les bastoneg passeront[?] Lavostre[?]. Estant tirer teindre[?] le drap po[ur] [..?] la liqueur. puis laver le dans la rivier.
Apres tout moite[?] quil est[?] jettera[?] le dans La escuvrier[?] pleine de 3/4 d'eau sure[?] &1/4 d'eau commune, y adjoustant Alum
7# Tartre #31/2 bouilleron deux heure
tirer le & le mettre sur le choualet[?] Lelendemain. mettre dans eau commune seulement tiede, ou vous aurez mis aupara- vant Garance commun 40 # (Pipte[?] Ma- ther[?] de Hambourg qui vivent dans les grands tonneaux.) Cela se faire[?] habilement. faites. bouillier fort une heure. Le tout a yeosbouil[?]
Lond.[?] Rinse[...?] ànecontinent[?]? & se[?] passerer[?] ou laver.
Vous aurés un noir parfaict & durable
L'Indico seul[?] qui se travaille avec
les pottashes ordinairements par les tincturiers, & avec le pessat[?] par le
gomma peult servir a donner le fonds?
en lieu de guesde. y[?] ayant bouilly dans
de lalum (po[ur] la laine) recoura[?] la garance & teinctura[?] fort noir.
La Garance ne se travaille jamais
sans Alum.
Po[our] les peaux
Mr delaNoy en South vuorcke[?] En Montagne closee[?]
2019W-RSCl.P-3i-1646] EN translation *
To dye black of Flanders (which is black on madder) you need to make first darkened [brun] blue on which, after cooking it with alum & half (of the amount of) tartre or [rasine?] afterwards you boil it in madder.
In the course of an hour & then you dip it again ('repasser').
For one piece of cloth you take 32 aulnes to boil them in alum: 7 [symbol] alum 3 1/2 [symbol] tartre.
To make the vat of woad
for 1000 [#] of good woad & 40 [#] the very good Indico. water 40 caskets [bariles]
To dye black
To dye black
For one piece of cloth of 32 aulnes work. You need to first wet your cloth stirring [?] well without any other additions and you keept it wet, then you put it inot the vat - which should be very hot - in the beginning. Leave it in there for an hour and stir[?] your (cloth) with a stick. When the cloth is dyed take it out of the liquor [??]. Then wash it in the river. Afterwards the whole [..?] is thrown in a vat for 3/4 full of sour water [eau sure] and 1/4 common water, and add 7 alum 3 1/2 tartre you will boil it two hours,
take it out and put it on the drying rack The next morning put it in common water, only luke warm , in which you have put before common madder 40# ('Pipte mather de Hambourg' that comes in the big barrels). This is done as usual. let boil strongly for one hour. All of it has a large boil.
Lond[on]. [...?]
You will have a perfect & durable black.
The indigo alone which the dyers make with common pottashes, and by weighing/passing [?] it with gum can be used to give the ground [coulour] instead of the woad. it needs to be boiled in alum (for the wool) [then dyed with?] the madder and the colour/dye will be very black.
The madder is never done without alum.
For the skins
Mr. de la Noy in South York[?] in the moun- tains [...?]