Woad maketh the colloure to byde and not to vade Woad
Nor to staine, and of it selfe yt makes a bluesh colloure
And grennesh and yolloweshe in the end. But with
Calke yt giveth a perfect blue. And without calke yt Calke
Will not doe yt. And woad Seasoneth the vate
For all colours excepte whites Bockte for Reds carna-
ttion flame colloures and all such as be not woded.
Calk is nothing but lyme burnt et made of yard stone
f. 455 v
of dyinge
Coppresse gives blacke colour of it selfe
Sumacke makes the cloth to take blacke, as allom __
To other colloures. Allom will make yt take black
Also, but yt is not so kindly as Sumach is to__
Mather doth stricke a reddish colloure and ys ye___
Put Brasselle to yt, yt Bentisieth the same; __
Makes yt a moste pleasant Red, but his collour
Of him selfe yt is between reddesh and blue/
Wodwax gives gren upon blewe, and strawe __
Upon white
fusticke strikes a perfecte yellowe upon strawe c__
Soote of the chimney makes buffe collours upon
Strawe colloure
Scochenella gives of it selfe stammell upon ___
And beinge woded gives all collours , all__
Of grenes watchets and blewes.
Logwod gives a blewesh collour
Brassellle a red colloure
Indico a blewesh colloure