1. Blacke 9. Peach collour
2. Russet 10. Silver collour
3. Tawney 11. Poppinjay grene
4. Purple 12. Sea water grene
5. Violete 13. Azure
6. Grene 14. Blewes
7. Ash colour 15. Watchet
8. Murrey 16. Sky collour
And note that all the Collours that are woded may
Be dyed in graine, and out of grain. Except grens
Popinjaies Sea water gren or woded blacke/
Thes folowinge ar not woded but ar
Boiled out of white and ar so collored
1. Stammells 9. Flame colours
2. Gallants 10. Ginger Colours
3. Blushes 11. Scarlote
4. Hear colours 12. Orrendge collour
5. Strawe collours 13. Lemmon Colloure
6. Yollowes 14. Red in Tawny
7. Reds
8. Carnatian
All medlies ar died in the woolle, and so spune and
Weaned. Soe that som of the wolle may be woded, and som not woded
Ther be som Blacks that ar dyed out of white, without
Wodinge and they ar called gauld Blacks, and those
That be wooded be called woded blacks
The woded blacks after they ar woded ar boiled in water
And sumach et then they ar taken out and let colde and
f. 456 v
And then they put copprose into the same water and __
Macke, in the which the Blacks ar boiled. And then they
Put the Blacks in again into the same water where
they put the sumacke and Copprose) for on howare, and
then they take them out again and let them cold. And
then they put them in again. And so they doe 3 ty...(mes?)
in 5 howars, and then they wilbe blacke/
then they wash out thes blackes clean in the teamse
and drawe fair water into the leed. And put mat__
therin , when the water is as hote as on may supter h_
hand therin. And when the water is then Readie so __
then put those blackes (clothes) therin for on howars space ___
inge yt to boille
Yf youe put in your mather when your water is to hote __
Will scald the mather so that yt will doe no good . then
Take heed to the heate of your water before youe put
Your mather.
And when this is done, yt is perfect good then wash yt _