The blacke is the firste colloure out of the woad
Vate to be boiled in licourse allom and Argoll
Yf youe will make russet, then woad yt firste and
When yt is woded, boilt yt in Licours allom and
Argoll, as a forsaid altogether and yt wilbe a perfect
All thes Collours doe Com forth of the woad
Fate, on after another, according to the
Strength of the woad and vate, more and less
1. first Blacke
2. Russet
3. Blue Azure
4. Tawni French
5. Purple
6. Violet
7. Grene
8. Seagrene
9. Watchet
10. Skie collor died in wolle
11. Ash collor
12. Murrey
13. Peach Collour
14. Silver collour
15. Popinjay collour/
All thes be firste Collored with woad , blewe more
Or leesse, som lighter and som sadder, and after woad
They be all, boiled in licours of allom Argoll and
Bran, for 2 howars space, Except the folowing
Blewes All these ar boiled In licours
Grenes mad only of water Bran and
Watchets Allom and no other wis__ for 5
Skie collours howars and then ar washed out
Azures Abd si they have their perfect collour
F. 458 r
Of diynge
All purples
Russets may be dyed in grain or in
Tawnies madder, And the grain
Violets is made with scochenella
Ash collours
Peach collours
Silver collours
and yf they be grayned with Scochenella, then
they be not maddered at alle. And yf they be
maddered then they will not be grayned, for
the grain will fetch of the madder.