Take gom Armoniake pound I gum Arrabick pound III stepe
them in Viniger 24 howars, then take of good yellowe
henvy the bignes of a walnut and a garlike head well
pilled and made clean and well stamped, boille
all thes to gether in strong Vinager putting to yt a lyt-
tell Aloe epaticke, and let yt boille a good whille, then
strain yt thorowe a lynnen cloth and wringe out all the
substance of it. And yf youe thinke yt be to liquid or
softe, or to cleare, boille yt again Untill youe thinke
yt is thicke ynough, then bepe___ in a glasse or Vessel
of earth leaded or of bone, when youe will quilt any
thinge, Anoint yt firste with this composil(t)ion with a ground for
pensille and Rub yt well, so that the Engraving be not guildinge
filled, and leave yt for as longe as youe will. Then when
youe will Lay on the Leaves of gould, blowe a lyttell your
breath upon the said fondation or greind and set on the
said leaves of gould disposing and ordering them as is
_equisit pressing them well downe with a pensille or
with a lyttelle drie wolle or bomste and then shall youe
have a very excellent guilding