Take the juyst of rewe and of nettyl, in Marche, in Averel, or in May, and medyl hit with chese, mylke of a kow, or of shepe, put therto unqueynt lym, medle hem wel togedur, and make therof a lofem and drye hit at the sonne, and make therof powdur. When thou wolt do awey the lettre, wete a pensel with spotil or with watur, and moist therwith the lettres that thou wolt do awey, and then cast the powder therupon, and with thi nail thou maist done awey the lettres that hit schal nothyng been a-sene, without any apeyrement. This medecyn, y-made with chese or mylke of a kow, is good for velym; of sepe, good for parchement.