To make coulleurs in or darpry oyle
take for a varnish of a couller 2 pounds
of venus turpintine seath it
upon the fire till it be hard
to feell them take it out upon
the pointe of a knife and drop
it upon the table till it fall
from the knife to be hard, so
long leff it seath, then take
one pinte of linseed oyle
with half a pinte of turpin
tine oyle, with one ounce of
mastick, and let them stand
upon the fier till they be
all mellted togeather, take
head of the flame fireing
of it, then graince them
through a linnin cloth and
put it in a glase, this is for
for all coullers,
verdegreace for greene
alabblack for black
white lead for white
all coullers ground upon a
stone with this oyle, and the
stones made euer cleane with
turpentine oyle.