good sodder with burris
to prepaire spade.
take one pound of spade burned
2 ounces of crokcus marcus
4 ounces of robartis or robollus
the best, these mingled togeather
with watter made of saltermo
nieck, to a pottill of watter 4
ounces of sallermonick made
like dou in cakes and burned
in the fire, with charcole and
when it is well burnt rub it
small with a peace of woode
then sift it throwh a sive.
then take watter made of sall
iema and burros, 8 ounces of
saliema, 2 ounces of burras boyled
in a pottill of watter with this watter grinde it upon a stone
and with this watter moysten
it fitt for the forme, and then
forme it all then with fire
above and below till it be rede
frott let it stand, if it
shrinke not it is ready for use