ANTIMONIUM is numbred amonge mean mine- Gold e deie
ralls. It is the marchasite of Saturne, and belongethe
to Saturne, yt is mettaline, and like almoste to yrone
It glisters as yron newe broke, yt is blackes_e and brittell
And may be beaten to ponder. Also yt may be moulton
And made to kone in the fier by puttinge ther to saltpeter.
For yt is of a temperate nature like oille or butter a_t-
To take or receive or to be turned to the nature of aurum Bright
Mettalle. And brite saith that Antimonie doth fhille
All mettells with which he is moulten in the fier and
With which he is mingled. And in his smocke stealeth a
Waie his naturalle gollonr from mettalls.
Ther ar 2 kindes of Antimonie. The one is Blacke and com-
mon, in the which gold is pirged being moulten in
yt and this kind of Antimoy hath greate Afinitie
with . . (Saturn)
And ther is another kind or sort of Antimonie, which
Is white and called magnetia which hath greate affi-
nitie with Tine. And multiplieth with other mettalls
infinith_ . and is the verie true marchasite of Tine et
belongeth to (Jupiter).
Antimonie is a mean mineralle as aforsaid and is
Called Saturne, Because of his Blackues like led . and
In kofperte of his Composision. He is nearer to the na-
Ture of mettalls, then the neareste matter of argent
vive : In his allitude yt is Black and grenest. And is enge_
dred ymmediatly of the matter of Argent vive, impreg-
nat of a hoth vapour and drie sulfur, and in his Resolu-
tion is congealed into the Lyzard, in the which is the
form and kind of the stinckinge sprite in the mixture
of whom is mulliplied the mineralle heate which is
the life of mettalls. In his prefundilude so is whit and Red