Record General Colour ConText ID: REC:7128Original language: EnglishRemarks: Serapii => seraph – lupinum balsamum, serapine (bot.) seralupinus, mlat, Adj. ? ? s. serapinum, Latham (vor 1250), Herkunft ungeklärt? seralupinum balsamum: eine Pflanze; ne. serapine, Latham 434b. sēram,View record online Date information Year: 1607-10ca. transl_trans Transcription Take gum Armoniake pound III gum Arrabicke pound I Serapii pound 6 stepe thes in Viniger till they be verie softe, then mix them well and strain them thorowe a lynnen cloth, and yt will be Verie good to occupie when youe have neade Source Library/ Place of edition Title Year Starting date End date Display order Oxford, Bodleian Library Ashmole 1494, Of appoticarie druges 1607-10ca. XVth (1H.) XVIIth (1H.) Page number(s) in source: f. 572 r