Source Details Language: German LatinPages: ff. 216r-226vLibrary: Amberg, Staatlichen ProvinzialbibliothekPlace of edition: View manuscript online Date information Year: ca. 1492Starting date: XVth (1H.)End date: XVIth (1H.) content_info Origin Bavarian dialect (errors suggest transpositions of an Alemannic original) Waldsassen monastery (XVIIth) Description ff. 1-95: Bernardus de Gordonio ff. 98-128v: Nicolaus Salernitanus, Antidotarium ff. 195v-200v: Von der Himel ff. 216-226: art technology, v.a. painting/colour recipes ART-Technology Artistic pages: ff. 216-226: painting/colour recipes Content Classification Artistic contents: Pigment recipesArtistic techniques: Painting IlluminatingOther Contents: Medicine Herbal/Animal Persons Title Role Anonymous author Records Title Page(s) in source Wil dw nun horn giessen recht als pleÿ ff. 225v-226r No title (REC:2793) ff. 224v-225r Wil dw parmet durchleuchtig machen ff. 223v-224r Wil dw roslein varbe machen schon und vein dÿ auff silber und auff golt durch leuchtig ist ff. 222v-223r Wil dw machen vein tuchlein plab ff. 221v-222r Wil dw dÿ schrift silbreÿn machen ff. 220v-221r No title (REC:2771) ff. 217v-218r Color aureus super Jouem f. 226v Color aureus super Jouem f. 226v No title (REC:2803) f. 226v 1 2 3 4 next › last » Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):