Source Details Language: German LatinPages: ff. 216r-226vLibrary: Amberg, Staatlichen ProvinzialbibliothekPlace of edition: View manuscript online Date information Year: ca. 1492Starting date: XVth (1H.)End date: XVIth (1H.) content_info Origin Bavarian dialect (errors suggest transpositions of an Alemannic original) Waldsassen monastery (XVIIth) Description ff. 1-95: Bernardus de Gordonio ff. 98-128v: Nicolaus Salernitanus, Antidotarium ff. 195v-200v: Von der Himel ff. 216-226: art technology, v.a. painting/colour recipes ART-Technology Artistic pages: ff. 216-226: painting/colour recipes Content Classification Artistic contents: Pigment recipesArtistic techniques: Painting IlluminatingOther Contents: Medicine Herbal/Animal Records Title Page(s) in source Wil dw nun auff veÿn golt floriren daz ist zw iglicher stat als daz ein golt auff das ander werd gefloriret f. 220r Wil dw schreiben guldeÿn schrifft wÿ chlain dw wilt f. 220rv Wil dw silber schreiben auz der feder f. 221v Wil dw silbreyn schrift haben f. 220v Wil dw violvar tuchlein machen f. 222r Color aureus super Jouem f. 226v No title (REC:2793) ff. 224v-225r No title (REC:2795) f. 225r No title (REC:2797) f. 225rv No title (REC:2799) f. 226r « first ‹ previous … 2 3 4 5 next › last » Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):