Catalogue Notice:
ff. 2-4 b Botany: Catalogues of plants: 15th cent.: Imperf.
ff. 5-72 b Medicine: Nomina medicinarum et orationum et materiarum: 15th cent.: Engl.
ff. 9 b, 10 Magic: Charms against elves, serpents, malignant spirits and the toothache: 15th cent.: Lat.: Imperf.
ff. 10 b, 252-259 b Botany: Synonyma herbarum: 11th cent.
f. 72 Magic: The charm of St. William that Gabriel brought from Our Lord: 15th cent.
f. 72 b Medicine: Tracts on blood-letting: 14th-15th cent.: Engl.
ff. 73 b--78 b, 82 b-85 b (Engl, Lat and Fr) Medicine: Charms and Receipts. Orationes et receptæmedica.: 10th-18th centt.
ff. 79-82 b Medicine. Botanical: De virtutibus rosæ marinæ: 15th-17th cent.: Engl. and Span.
ff. 85 b-89 b Hippocrates: Ypocras de erbis colligendis: 15th cent.
ff. 90-123 b Æmilius Macer: De viribus herbarum: 12th cent.
ff. 123 b-248 b Receipts: Miscellaneous receipts: 14th cent.: Dutch, Fr., and Lat.
ff. 123 b-248 b Johannes Arderne, de Newark: Liber Medicinarum: 14th-17th cent.
ff. 249 -251 b, 254, 255 Medicine. Botanical: De virtutibus herbarum: 13th cent.
f. 251 b Mag Gilbert Grymesby, Frater Minor de conventu Lincolniæ: Pulvis excellens pro visu conservando: 15th cent.