Source Details Language: GermanPages: ff. 107v, 123r, 126r, 128v, 131r, 168r, 169rLibrary: Vienna, Österreichische NationalbibliothekPlace of edition: View manuscript online Date information Year: ca. 1481Starting date: XVth (1H.) content_info ART-Technology Artistic pages: Gold and vermilion recipes f. 107v: Ain gut gold varbe f. 123r: Von zinober f. 126r: Ain Ainder pratick von dem zinober f. 128v: Ain ander pratick von dem zinober f. 131r: Von das wider lebendig machung des mercurij f. 168r: Von zinober f. 169r: andere pratick von dem zinober Content Classification Artistic contents: Pigment recipes Gold recipesArtistic techniques: Gilding PaintingOther Contents: Alchemy Persons Title Role Anonymous author Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):