18. ff. 22-25v: Approximately 40 medical recipes or dietary recommendations in English, including one in verse (f. 22v), A diet for man that is brusid or bete, Whoso be woundid or evill Beete/ Garlike ne oynonys maye he non ete…[Schuler, n. 280; Hanna, “Addenda,” n. 65]; an incantation to staunch blood (f. 23), Longinus miles latus domini nostri ihesu cristi lancia perforavit…Cristus et Iohannes descenderunt in flumine Iordani…; 7 recipes for pigments.
Scattered between ff. 101v-103: gilding and false gilding,
41. ff. 101v-103: Approximately 20 recipes including one in French (f. 101v), Pur le medicine du solaile; one for an oil to colour gold, tin and copper and one to colour lead (these 2 crossed out); one to make worms; one in English to gild silver (ff. 101v-102); an incantation (f. 102v) to staunch blood, Ihesus criste that was borne in Bethelem…Ihesus criste that was baptissed in the water of flumeiourdan withstonde this blode…Item ad Sanguinem Restituendum, In nomine patris…Ego coniuro te Sanguis ad Restituendum per patrem…; a recipe in English (f. 102v), “for to make won to seme am3sell [in cipher]”; one in English to write on a knife; one in English to write on a sword (ff. 102v-103).
ff. 107-8 : dyeing
43. ff. 104-113: Approximately 140 recipes, mainly in English, including several to dye cloth (ff. 107-108), one for palsy proved by “Master Swan,” an incantation to staunch blood, As wisshly as a prestis woman schall be the devillis roode horsse or beste so wisshely staunche the Bloode of this man…, a passage on the magical and medical virtutes de Betonice (ff. 108v-109), several incantations to cure epilepsy (ff. 110v-111), an incantation to staunch blood, Longeus [sic] miles ebreus Latus domini nostri ihesu christi lancea perforavit…Et sicut restitit aquam Iourdanus in qua Baptizatus est christus…(f. 111v), and one for a quick delivery, beginning with the word square, Sator arepo tenet opera rotas (Walther, Initia 17297).