ff. 1-5 Marcus Graecus, Liber ignium (alchemy)
ff. 6-13 color, alchemy, metal-technical and medical recipes
ff. 13v-40 Johann Liechtenauer, fencing book part of I
ff. 43-48v Hanko Döbringer, escrim regulations in verse form
ff. 53-60v Johann Liechtenauer, escrim (?) book part of II
ff. 66v-67 to the tempers, months etc.
ff. 67v-68v magic, medical, tables and astrological texts
ff. 69-73v Liber vaccae platonis (Extracts)
ff. 74v-81v art-technological, medical and magic recipes
ff. 82-82v fencing regulation
f. 83v interval board 1390-1495
ff. 84-85 fencing regulations
f. 85-85v magic prescriptions
ff. 86-89 Johann Liechtenauer, ring art
ff. 90v-164v medical, house-economical and magic prescriptions, therein color recipes, soap recipes