Source Details Language: GermanPages: ff. 224v-230Library: München, Bayerische StaatsbibliothekPlace of edition: View manuscript online content_info Description Mostly collection of medical texts, including ff. 224v-230: Bavarian colouring booklet : recipes for colouring wax, paint manufacture, painting etc ART-Technology Artistic pages: ff. 224v-230: Bavarian colouring booklet : recipes for colouring wax, paint manufacture, painting etc Content Classification Artistic techniques: PaintingOther Contents: Medicine Records Title Page(s) in source Item plab varb FF. 229v-230r Item gutt gelb FF. 228v-229r Wildw leines tuch gell haben oder machen FF. 227v-228r Item parisrot mach also FF. 226v-227r Das ander von lassur FF. 225v-226r Wildw gutte perlen machen dÿ nyemant verwerffen mag FF. 224v-225r Item veyol varb auf F. 230r Item zigel varb auf leinen tuch F. 230r Item ein andre chunst F. 229v Item Gruen auf F. 229v 1 2 3 4 … next › last » Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):