Source Details Language: ItalianPages: 779 pp.Library: Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale CentralePlace of edition: View manuscript online Date information Year: 1604Starting date: XVIIth (1H.)End date: XVIIth (1H.) Content Classification Artistic contents: Gold recipes Ink recipes Pigment recipesArtistic techniques: Alchemical recipe Colours Domestic Gilding Other Contents: Medicine House-economy Alchemy Domestic recipes Cosmetic Records Title Page(s) in source A fissare il Mercurio Cap.(itol)° 159. 56 A nettare et pulir’ p(er)le et altre Gioie Cap.(itol)° 373 202-204 A purificare il zolfo Cap.(itol)° 367. 197 Calcinatione de Cristalli Cap.(itol)° 1415. 519 Colla da Vetri rotti Cap.(itol)° 1208 444-445 Colla da Vetro Cap.(itol)° 1407 517 Inchiostro da scrivere Cap.(itol)° 1862 764 Inchiostro perfetto Cap.(itol)° 92 33 Luti diversi Cap.(itol)° 759- 348 Luto Cap.(itol)° 760- 348 « first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last » Library (geocoded): Place of edition (geocoded):