Of gilding japan work.
ALL the methods of gilding, which are applicable to the ornamenting japan work, having been before taught under the article of gilding, it is needlefs to repeat them
here j I lhall only again obferve, that in gilding with gold lize (which is almoll the only me-thod nowpradtifed in japan work,) where it is deiired to nave the goid notfhine, or approach in the leaft towards the burnifhing date, the fize fhould be ufed either with oil or turpen-tine only, or with a very little fat oil j but where a greater luftre, and appearance of po-lifh, are wanting, without the trouble of bur-nishing, and the preparation neceflary for it, fat oil alone, or mixed with a little gold fize, fhould be ufed; and the fame proportionable effect will be produced from a mean propor-tion of them.