Of ftaining paper, or parchment, of various colours.
Of ftaining paper,or parchment, yellow.
PAPER may be Rained yellow by the ticture of French berries prepared as in p. 102 but a much more beautiful colour may be obtained by ufing the tindture of tur-
meric, formed by infufing an ounce or more of the root, powdered, in a pint of fpirit of wine,' This may be made to give any teint of yellow from the lighted Rraw to the full colour called French yellow; and will be equal in bright-nefs even to the belt dyed filks. If yellow be wanted of a warmer or redder caR, annatto, or dragon’s blood, mull be added to the tindture.
The beft manner of ufing thefe, and the following tindtures, is to fpread them even on the paper or parchment by means of a broad brufh in the manner of varnilhing.
Of ftaining paper, or parchment, red.
Paper, or parchment, may be Rained red by treating it in the lame manner as is diredted for wood p. 43 5 r or by red ink. It may alfo be Rained of a fcarlet hue by the tindture of dragon’s blood in fpirit of wine: but this will not be bright.
A very fine crimfon (lain may be given to paper, by a tindture of the Indian lake ; which may be made by infufing the lake lbn 1 tindture from the dregs.
Offlaming paper, or parchment, green.
Paper, or parchment, may be ftained green, by the folution of verdigrile in vinegar; or by the chryftals of verdigrife difiolved in water.
As alfo by the folution of copper in aqua fortis made by adding filings of copper gradually to the aqua fortis till no ebullition enfues: or Tpirit of fait may be ufed in the place of the aqua fortis.
Ofjlaining paper, or parchment, blue.
A blue colour may be given to paper, or parchment, by ftaining it green by any of the abovementioned methods; and treating it after-wards as is directed for the ftaining wood blue, by the fame means; or by indico, in the man-ner there explained likewife.
Ofjlaining paper, or parchment, orange. Stain the paper, or parchment, firft of a full yellow, by means of the tindture of tur-meric as above diredted. Then brulh it over
with a folution of fixt alkaline fait, made by difiolving half an ounce of pearl allies, or fait in Ipirit 'of wine; and then pouring of tartar, in a quart of water, and filtering the folodon, .
Offtaining paper> or , purpk.
Paper, or parchment, may be flamed purple by archal: or by the tinfture of logwood, according to the method above directed for Gaining wood. The juice of ripe privet berries ex- preffed will likewife give a purple dye to paper or parchment.