BOOKS printed for J. NOÜRM the Lamb op“
poftte Katherine-Street in the Strand.
HE ELABORATORY LAID OPEN : or, The Secrets of Mo-
dern Cheattftryaad Pharmacy revealed: Containing
many particulars extremely neceflary to be known to all
Praditioners in Medicine. Odavo, 1758.
BOERHAAVE’S MEDICAL CORRESPONDENCE : Containing the various Symptoms of Chronical Diftempers, the Profeflor’s Opinion, Method of Cure, and Remedies. To which is added, his Practice in the Hofpital of Leyden, with his Manner of intruding his Pupils in the Cure of Difeafes. Odavo, I74Ç-
In this Colledion are contained many Letters, wrote originally in Engliih te the-Dodor, by Persons of Diftindipn, Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. with his Anfwers ; fuch are marked %*, the reft are tranflated from the Latin. ACADEMICAL LECTURES ON FEVERS : In which the eflential Symptoms and Nature of die various Kinds of Fevers are defcribed, the immediate Caufes pointed out, with the general and particular Indications in the Method of Cure fub- joined to each. Confirmed by the Author’s fuccefsful Practice of forty Years ; read in the Royal College at Paris. By M. J.Aftruc, M.D. Odavo, 1747.
A» ESSAY ON COMPARATIVE ANATOMY: or, A Summary View of the moft material Differences in the Strudure of Animals ; in which the Befcriptions are all taken from real Diffèdions, and transferred by Analogy to the Human Body, intermixed with many practical Obfervations in Medicine and Surgery. Odavo, 1744.
THE NEW DISPENSATORY : Containing, 1. The Theory and Pradice of Pharmacy. 2. A Diftribution of Medicinal Simples, according to their Virtues and fenfible Qualities ; the Defcription, Ufe, and Dofe of each Article. 3,. A full Tranllation çf the London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias ; with the Ufe, Dofe, fcfr. of the feveral Medicines. 4. Di- redions for Extemporaneous Prefcriptions ; with a feled Number of elegant Forms. 5. A Colledion of cheap Remedies for the Ufe of the Poor. The whole interfperfed with pradical Cautions and Obfervations, intended as a Corredion and Improvement of Quincy. Odavo, 1753.
A SHORT ACCOUNT OF MORTIFICATIONS, and of the fur- prizing Effeds of the Bark, in putting a Stop to their Pro- grefs, £ÿr. by John Douglas, Surgeon, F. R. S. Odavo. THE DISPENSATORY OF THE ROYAWCOLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON. Tranflated into EngKfti, with Remarks, Ifjc. by H. Pemberton, M. D.' Profeflbr of Phyfick in Grefham College, and F. R. S. Odavo, 1749. The fécond Edition.