The fixth cBoo\. Wherein is fhown the way to make all the (jold-Jmiths EnamelsOto Enamel upon (fold in divers colours 0 with rules, and the materials which colour 0 and what fires mat^e thofe Ena¬mels 9 with exa& diligence and clearefl demonflration pofsible*
FNm elting on Gold and other metalls is a fair and pleajing things and in it's felf not only laborious ^but necefjary3 [wee we fee me¬talls adorned with Enamels of many colours make a fair and noble fhew> enticing beyond meafure the eyes of the beholders. And becaufe 'tis one of the tnofi principal5 and a moft neceflary part bf glafs 3 and it appear~L ing /jng to me to be a thing grateful and pleafing to all, J fet mt felf to defcril e many ways to make feveral forts of Enamels,as a thing not Vulgar, andLelohgingto this Art, and one of tfs moft noble Appurtenances. And that this work might not le deprived of a matter fo pie afa nt, profitable and necefiary, I have made this fixth Book for the delight and be¬nefit of all.
The ^Material ivberewitj) all Ena¬mels are made.
TAkc of fine Lead 30 pound, of fine Tin 33 pound. Calcine them toge¬ther in a Kil,and fertc them, Boil this Calx a little n clean water in clean earthen veffels, tike it from the fire and de¬cant off the water by inelination, which will carry with it the finer part of the Calx, put frefh water on the remainder, boil and decant as before , repeat this as long as the water carries eft' any Calx.
Recal-Recalcine the grofs rem lining Calx,& then draw off again the more fubtile parts, as before. Then evaporate the waters which carried off the finer Calx at a gentle fire, efpecially at the laft, that theCilx miv not be wafted, which will remain at the bot¬tome much finer than the Ordinary. Take then of this fine Cilx, of Crylhl Fritt made with Tarfo, ground and forced fine, of each 50 pound , of white fait of Tartar eight ounces, powder, ferce and mix them well : Then put this fluff into a new earthen pot baked , giving it a fire for ten hours, then powder it and keep it in a dry covered place. Of this fluff are nude all the Enamels of whatfoever colours. This fhall be call’d the Huff for E 3am els.
To avoid our Authors repetitions obferve
1. The pots wherein Enamels are made mud be glafed with white glafs and bear the fire.
2. Mix and incorporate well the colours and ftutf for Enamels.
3. When the Enamel is refined, and the colour good, and well incorporated, take it from the fire with a pair ot tonges for the Goldfmiths ufc.
4. The way to make Enamels is this;
L 3 powder,/ powder, grind, and serce well the colours, and mix them first well one with another, and then with the stuff for Enamels, then set them in pots in the furnace, when they are all melted and incorporated cast them into water, and when dry set them in the furnace again to melt (which they soon do) make a proof, and if the colour be too high, take out some of it and add more of the stuff for Enamels, and if too light add more of the colour at pleasure to your con¬
tent, then take it out of the furnace.
A Milk-white Enamel.
T Ak e o f th e stuff for Enamel s six pound , o f Manganese prepared 4 8 grains, cast it thrice into water when refined and melted.
An An Enamel of a Turcois colour.
JAke of the fluff for Enamels fix pound, melt refine and caft it into water, fet it in the furnace again; when ’tis melted, and refined, put in of thrice calcin’d Brafs three ounces, Zajjer prepared 96 grains, wherewith mix well 48 grains of Manga¬nefe prepared, mix them well and put them into the fluff at four times, mixing them well every time, let them incorpo¬
rate, make a proof with your eye that you may know by the eye when the colours are good, as I have always done, becaufe fometimes tnc powders colour more and fometimes Jefs. Thus I did at P/fa, and by mine eye without weights coloured all forts of Glafs.
Another /Another Azure Enamel.
T Ake of the stuff for Enamels four pound, wherewith mix of Zaffer pre¬
pared two ounces, and mix with it at first of thrice calcin'd Brass 48 grains, mix these two powders well with the stuff for Enamels, set them in the furnace,and work accordiug to the rules.
A Green Enamel.
T Ake of the stuff for Enamels four pound, put it in the furnace, and in ten or tewlve hours 'twill be melted and refined, cast it into water, and put it again into the furnace in it's own pot, when 'tis refined, give it of Brass thrice calcin'd two ounces, wherewith mix of scales of Iron
well ground two ounces, put them in at thtec times, mixing and incorporating them every time, and ever and anon fee whether the colour pleale, when ’tis well take it from the fire.
Another Green Enamel.
, •
Ake of the fluff for Enamels fix pound, wherewith mix well Ferret to of Spain well ground three ounces, and mix* with it 48 grains of Crocus Mart is} put them into the furnace, See. Thefe furnaces are m 1 le from about four to fix inches fur all Ena¬
Another Green Enamel.
CHAP, xcix;
Akc of the fluff for Enamels four pound, which in few hours will be refined, then caft it into water, and put ic L 4 again /again into the furnace, and let it refine,then add thefe two powders well mixed at three times, to wit, of Brafs thrice calcin’d two ounces, of Crocus Martis made with Vine- ger 48 grains, put them in the furnace, and when they are well incorporated, take them from the fire: This is a fair and good Enamel.
A Td lack. Enamel.
TAkc four podnd of the fluff for Ena¬mel, of Z after and Manganefe, of each two ounces prepared, and well mixed, in¬corporate the fluff and colours, puc them in the furnace in a large pot, and when re¬fined caft them into water , then put them in the furnace again, and they will foon re¬
fine, and make a Velvet Black.
Another Another ‘BlackJEnamel.
TAke of the fluff for Enamels fix pound, of Zaffer prepared, of Crocus Mart if made with Vincger,of Ferretto of each two ounces, grind and mix well toge¬ther thefe three powders, with the fluff for Enamels, put them into the furnace, and when refined call them into water, put them in the furnace again, and take the En¬amel out when tis incorporated , and the colour plcafcth you. This is a fair Black.
.Another Black. Enamel.
CHAP. C11.
3pAke of the fluff for Enamels four pound, Tartar four ounces, cManganefie prepared two ounces, grind and mix thele two powders well with the fluff for Ena¬mels, mels, set them in the furnace in a large pot, when melted and refined, cast them
into water, and put them into the furnace again, let them refine. This is a most fair Velvet Black to Enamel upon metalls ordi¬
A Red Enamel.
T O four pound of the stuff for Ena
add two ounces of Manganese prepared, mix them well, and let them in the furnace in a large pot, when 'tis refined and melted cast them into water, set them again in the
furnace, and when refined take them out. This is a fair Purplish Enamel.
J The forth Book. 155
J ” nt
1 _
A Purpli/h Enamel.
y Ake of the fluff for Enamels fix pound,
of J/tfzzgdzw/tf prepared three ounces, of
Brafs thrice calcin’d fix ounces, mix them all well together , fet them in a furnace, and let them refine, then caft them into water,and put them into the fame pot, let
, them boil, and when refined take them ’ from the fire. ’Tis a good Enamel.
'_L_ _ . LL— -
A Telloxv Enamel.
,' CHAP. CV.
TAkc of the fluff for Enamels 6 pound, of Tartar three ounces, of
prepared 72 grains, grind and mix well thefe powders together, and then with the fluff for Enamels, put them into the fur¬nace in a large pot, when refined caft them
into water, and fet them again in the fur¬nace. This Enamel is of a fair Yellow to Enamel on Gold, where it fhews not well, if you add not Enamels of other colours.
A Sky coloured Enamel.
Akc of the fluff for Enamels 4 pound,
Brafs calcin’d to make a Sky colour, as in Chap. ai. of Sea-green made as in Chap. 23. of each two ounces, of Zaffer prepared 48 grains, mix firft thefe pow¬ders well together, then with the fluff for Enamels, when they are refined caft them into water, return them into the pot, let them melt and refine. This is a very fair and beautiful Sky colour.
' S’
A Violet colour'd Enamel.
TAkc fix pound of the fluff for Enamels,' of Manganefe prepared three ounces,of thrice calcin’d Brafs 48 grains, mix thefe two powders well together, then remix them with the fluff for Enamels, put them into the furnace, and caft them into water, put them into the furnace again, and do as