A very proper treatise, wherein is breefely set forth the art of Limming, which teacheth the order in drawing and tracing of letters, Vinets, Flowers, Armes, and Imagery, and the maner how to make sondrye syses or groundes to lay silver or gold upon, et how silver or gold shall be layed or limmed upon the sise, and the way to temper gold and silver and other mettals and diverse kindes of colours, to write or to limme withall upon Velum, parchment, or paper, and howe to lay them upon the worke which thou entendest to make and how to vernish it when thou hast done, with diverse other things very meete and necessarie to be knowne to all such Gentlemen, et other persons as do delight in Limming, paynting or in tricking of armes, in their colours, and therefore a worke verye meete to be adioyned to the books of armies.