To make Printers Incke.
‘Printers Incke is made onelie with the smoke, of Rosime, as is abouesaid, and is tempered with moist vernish, you must seeth it a little to make it Liquide or thicke, as you shall neede. But in winter moister than in Sommer: and alwaies the thicker maketh the letter fairer, blacker, clearer and brighter. But in what maner soeuer it bee, it must be euer well mixed with the smoke. And to make it Liquide, as is saide, you must put more oile of Line, or of walnuttes to the vernishe. If you will make it thicker, put lesse oile and more smoke, letting it seeth more. If you will print red, in stead of the said smoke, mingle vermillion well braied, with the saide vernishe. If you will make it blewe (as men haue done sometime heretofore) take Azure of Almaine, or of that glasse, which is nowe made at Venice, doing in all points as we haue spoken of the blacke Incke.’