List view

Library/Place of edition Title Author Year Starting date End date
London, British Library Additional 23080 The use of Pensill Sir William Sanderson XVIIth (1H.) XVIIth (2H.)
Amiens, Bibliothèque communale de la Ville Lescalopier 46, De diversis artibus Theophilus (attributed to) XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.)
London, British Library Sloane 4 Anonymous XIVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.)
Amberg, Staatlichen Provinzialbibliothek Cod. 77, Amberger Malerbüchlein Anonymous ca. 1492 XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.)
Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Brogyntyn 2.1, Here begynnythe the crafte of lymnynge of bokys Anonymous ca. 1453-1463 XVth (1H.) XVIth (1H.)
Augsburg, Staats-Stadtbibliothek 2° Cod 216 Anonyme Dum Nicolaus (scribe) 1466 XVth (2H.) XVIth (1H.)
Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek Msc. Theol. 225, Bamberger Malerbüchlein (Hye hebt sich an dy myschung aller farb) Johannes Moetzell (scribe) 1503-1509 XVIth (1H.) XVIth (2H.)
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Germ. Quart. 411 Braunstein Lenhard XVth (1H.) XVIth (2H.)
Italy Ricettario anonimo del Cinquecento Anonymous XVIth (1H.) XVIth (2H.)
Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek 1656, Incipiunt colores et temperature - De coloribus, Colorem viridem sic prepara John of Bologna XIVth (1H.) XVth (1H.)