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Library/Place of edition Title Author Year Starting date End date
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale Lat. 6749b, Tractatus qualiter quilibet artificialis color fieri possit Anonyme Le Bigot, Guillermus (scribe) 1481-1489
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 3007 Anonymous 1472 XVth (1H.)
Augsburg, Staats-Stadtbibliothek 2° Cod 216 Anonyme Dum Nicolaus (scribe) 1466 XVth (2H.) XVIth (1H.)
Siena, Italy, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati Ms. I. II. 19 Ambrogio di ser Pietro da Siena 1462 XVth (2H.)
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Germ. Quart. 1880 Anonymous 1457 - 1470
London, British Library Sloane 416, Lamberto de Lamberteschi, of Florence; Physician in the Hospital of St. Gall: Collection of miscellaneous receipts, relative to medicine, making dyes, the management of wines, making colours, etc (The Venetian Ms) Anonymous 1455-1456 XVth (1H.)
Graz, Universitätsbibliothek Ms. 1609, magisteria ad faciendos diversos colores Anonymous 1451-1488 XVth (1H.)
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek F. VII 12, Wilstu scriven myt sulver uut ener pennen Anonymous 1445 XVth (1H.)
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Germ. Quart. 351 Anonymous 1440
Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek Cod. 457 Anonymous 1439-1443 XVth (1H.)