History of technique in the arts, 1500-1950
Found 23 results
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“Medieval recipes describing the use of metals in manuscripts”, Marsyas, vol. 12, pp. 34-51.
, “Towards a history of Art Materials. A survey of published technical litterature in the arts”, Art and Archaeology technical abstracts, vol. vol. 7, p. n°3 and n°4.
, The Art of Limming. 1932.
, Etudes sur les termes de couleurs dans la langue latine. Paris: , 1949.
, “Sources et évolution du vocabulaire des couleurs en latin”, in Problèmes de la couleur. Exposés et discussions du colloque du Centre de recherches de psychologie comparative tenu à Paris les 18, 19 et 20 mai 1954, (réunis et présentés par Ignace Meyerson), Paris: , 1957, pp. 327-338.
, “Base and noble Metals in Illumination”, Natural History, vol. n°74, pp. 31-39, 1965.
, “Un mazzetto di ricette dei primi del Cinquecento, dal Codice 1286 della Biblioteca Governativa di Lucca”, Notizario filatelica, vol. 7, 1967.
, Begleitheft der Ausstellung "Leinen- und Barchentgewerbe in der Stadt und auf dem Land". Biberach: , 1979.
, Die theologischen lateinischen Handschriften in Quarto der Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Teil 1: Ms. theol. lat. qu. 141-266. Wiesbaden: , 1979.
, “A Thirteenth-Century Portugese Work on Manuscript Illumination”, Ambix, vol. 26, pp. 93-99, 1979.
, The artist crafts. A History of tools, techniques and materials. Oxford: , 1985.
, “Pastel et Indigo ou les origines du bleu”, Revue d´histoire de la pharmacie, vol. 78, pp. 13-20, 1990.
, Medieval illuminators and their method of work. New Haven & London: , 1992.
, L´Arte vetraria. Firenze: Giunti, 2001.
, “Technical examination of a fifteenth-Century German Illuminated manuscript on paper : a case study in the identification of materials”, Studies in Conservation, vol. n°46, pp. 93-108, 2001.
, “Art of the Past: Sources and Reconstructions”. Submitted.
, “Art Technology. Sources and Methods”. Submitted.
, “Critical evaluation of data on the composition of ancient materials. Part I : structural components of the paint layer. Part II. Paints and techniques”, ICOM-CC 7th Trien. meeting Copenhague. Submitted.
, “From handcraft to mass production : notes on the manufacture of oil painting materials”, ICOM 7th triennal meeting, Copenhagen, 10-14 septembre, 1984. Submitted.
, “La technique de l’enluminure d’après les textes médiévaux. Essai de bibliographie”, Réunion du comité de l’ICOM pour les laboratoires des musées et du sous comité de l’ICOM pour le traitement des peintures. Paris-Bruxelles, Submitted.
, “The Strasbourg Manuscript, a compendium of Van Eyck’materials and techniques”, The 14th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research. Proceeding of Sections Lipids in Art. Brighton, Submitted.